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Dies ist die private Mastodon Instanz von Robert Lender

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Jan Beta makes videos about repairing and restoring old gadgets and computers (especially the Amiga). You can follow at:

➡️ @jan_beta

There are already 30 videos uploaded, if they haven't federated to your server yet you can browse them all at makertube.net/a/jan_beta/video

Jan Beta also has a non-video account at @janbeta

MakerTubeJan BetaHi I'm Jan. I tinker with electronics and enjoy vintage tech, mostly computers and consoles from the 80s and 90s. I also love to tinker with elderly hifi equipment and musical instruments from time...
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I have used a 2D library called gg to make the clock render more quickly and with less CPU load. It is still far from perfect and has the wrong DPI on a mac. But I put it on #Codeberg none the less. So anyone, who is interested, may have a look.


Codeberg.orgfyckA clock written in Go that uses the toolkit Fyne for display and the graphics library gg to render the clockface

Walkero is a Commodore Amiga enthusiast making videos about all kinds of Amiga-related topics. You can follow their video account at:

➡️ @walkero@makertube.net

If the videos haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at makertube.net/a/walkero/videos

You can also follow their non-video account at @walkero@mastodon.social

MakerTubewalkerosoftware engineer, Drupal follower, Docker ninja, JS explorer, PHP believer, exotic Hardware beta tester, Amiga enthusiast, truth seeker, parent & husband... at least for now...
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@stevelord #Amiga and #Newton for me were the last computing devices I felt like I owned. Everything since has been more leased appliance than well-worn tool. An exponential improvement in every technical aspect and a surgical removal of the hobby's soul. Modern computers are polished, corporate, and humorless. Capable of everything and inspiring of nothing. I get depressed when I try to explain this to people who didn't live through it, because I can't, and I just sound like a crazy grandpa.