microblog.at ist einer von vielen unabhängigen Mastodon-Servern, mit dem du dich im Fediverse beteiligen kannst.
Dies ist die private Mastodon Instanz von Robert Lender

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I’m in the process of rewriting our sites that use Site.js¹, which has been deprecated for some time now, in Kitten².

In any of your sites use Site.js, I’d highly recommend doing the same thing. This is also a heads up for anyone who uses Site.js to install and run their own Owncast server³.

Site.js will be retired and the web site will start forwarding to Kitten’s at the end of April, 2025.

In May, automatic TLS certificate renewals for existing sites will start to fail.

(Kitten is the spritual successor to Site.js. Or think of Site.js as my first attempt at a Small Web server. I learned a lot while making it and a lot of the components I built for Site.js – like Auto Encrypt⁴, etc. – live on in Kitten.)


¹ sitejs.org
² kitten.small-web.org
³ CC @gabek, @owncast: If Site.js is still listed as a way of installing Owncast, now would be a good time to remove that and to relay this to folks in the Owncast community :)


#mastosocks #announcement

Wenn einer von euch handgestrickte Wollsocken haben möchte, schreibt mich gern an mit Schuhgröße und Farbwunsch. Dann bekommt ihr gegen Porto+Versand ein tolles Paar Socken. 💝 🧦 💝

Das Kleingedruckte:

Nein, ich möchte wirklich nichts dafür, außer den Kosten für Verpackung + Versand. Ich mache das als Hobby und weil ich Spaß daran habe. Das heißt, ich arbeite eure Bestellungen der Reihe nach ab - habt Geduld, ich habe nur zwei Hände, eine Familie und einen Job.

Bonjour tout le monde / Hello everyone,

Je précise juste que tous les messages que je publie ici sont sous licence Art Libre 1.3 (artlibre.org/) -- sauf bien entendu ceux où j'indique expressément que ça ne l'est pas.

#annonce #licence

Just to let you know that all my posts are published under the Free Art License 1.3 (artlibre.org/licence/lal/en/) -- except of course those in which I specify otherwise.

artlibre.orgCopyleft Attitude | Licence Art Libre

All that said yesterday, I'm not one to hold a grudge for very long. And I'm willing to forgive and move on.

As I said in my initial #Announcement about my role at #mastodon there was miscommunication, maybe across the board.

@Gargron said one thing to him, and I read another to me.

It happens, and I'm not above fault, neither is he.

It would however require us both to be willing to ask for forgiveness. And work something out that would be sustainable for the project.