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@trunksapp My contribution to #GlobalSwitchDay? I've just finished the translation to Dutch of the magnificent #trunks for #Mastodon app 😇. So glad to reach the 100% mark this Sunday evening!

▶️ Become a #translator as well! Check out crowdin.com/project/trunkssoci. The #Crowdin interface is user-friendly and offers translation suggestions to speed up the process. I spread the translation over multiple weeks. You could also look for a partner in crime 😉.

Happy tooting!

Crowdin uses git wrong

With the crowdin github integration it first downloads the entire repository _every commit_ then syncs the translations with what it has.

Is #codeberg translate better in this department?

#crowdin #localization #management #platform #collaborative #internationalization #translation tool

CrowdinCrowdin | Localization Management Platform for agile teamsCrowdin's localization management platform is a technology solution for your team.