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Morgen stehen wir euch hier für ein #AMA (Ask Me Anything) zur Verfügung, in der ihr uns zu allem fragen könnt, was ihr immer schon über das Development in Uberspace wissen wolltet. 💁🏽
Was brennt euch zum neuem U8 oder U7 am Herzen? Was wollt ihr zu unserem Entwicklungs und Testprozess wissen? Auf welche Tools schwören wir und welche hätten wir schon gerne im Einsatz?

Scheibt uns gerne morgen zwischen 12 und 17 Uhr an! 🚀

February may be the shortest month, but the Thunderbird desktop team filled it with updates, improvements, and important conversations. Including:

* What you can find in the new monthly Release channel
* Talks on privacy and security
* What's landed in the Calendar rebuild work and in EWS support on Daily
* The new Account Hub, which you can test this week in Daily!
* Global Message Database and In-App Notification news

#Thunderbird #OpenSource #Development


The Thunderbird Blog · Thunderbird Monthly Development Digest - February 2025 - The Thunderbird BlogMonthly releases are here, the Calendar UI rebuild is underway, more Exchange support features land in Daily - and much more!

GitLab CFO, Brian Robins, says they are “aligned with the goals of DOGE, because the company’s software tools aim to help people do more with less. What the Department of Government Efficiency is trying to do is what GitLab does.”


You either support fascism or you don’t. It’s binary. There’s no gray area or “aligning.”

Considering GitLab? Don’t. Use @Codeberg.

(Hat tip @aphyr)


»Rust env_logger Example – Simplified Logging in Rust:
Logging is an essential part of software development, providing insight into the behavior of an application. Rust offers several logging crates, and env_logger is one of the most popular for its simplicity and flexibility«

I posted this link here so that I can find it again - certainly never in my bunch of the disordered link storage ;)

📝 scribe.rip/@aleksej.gudkov/rus

scribe.ripRust env_logger Example: Simplified Logging in Rust

Last week we had our first! Thunderbird + Rust office hours with our back-end developer @brendan and Sr. DevRel Engineer @linuxflower giving us a great introduction to the past, present, and future of oxidization in Thunderbird. Watch the recording on our @tilvids channel and find out how to get involved!

#Thunderbird #Rust #Development


Friends. I’m honored to be part of a team who is archiving data being targeted by fascists: science, health, DEI, climate…all of it.

It’s exhausting, mentally psychologically. But totally worth it.

What @lavaeolus began is now a thriving group effort. There’s a core group of us working feverishly, but anyone is welcome to join us.

Learn how you can get involved:

Safeguarding Research & Culture (SRC) — Distributing Cultural Memory · How to contribute ✊You read our mission-statement at About - Safeguarding Research & Culture (SRC) ? And you want to contribute? How to Participate

Do you know the #OpenProject #GitLab integration yet?

:fosstodon: "GitLab and OpenProject are both open source, which makes them a very attractive combination. One provides the features that the other doesn’t have. It's a classic 1 + 1 = 3 situation."
– Wieland Lindenthal, OpenProject co-founder

This integration started as a plugin from the Community, for the Community. 🌱

Learn more about it here: openproject.org/integrations/g

Now that we're all excited about our iOS job opening, it's a great time to post the Office Hours with our Mobile Team from earlier this month. It's naturally pretty Android heavy, but we do discuss the new role and our plans for iOS!

(At FOSDEM this weekend? Meet our mobile team at our booth in Building K, Level 1!)

#Thunderbird #Development #OpenSource


The Thunderbird Blog · VIDEO: The Thunderbird Mobile TeamThe Office Hours Team chat with the Thunderbird Mobile Team to talk about the past and future of Thunderbird for Android development.