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Dies ist die private Mastodon Instanz von Robert Lender

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  1. advanced search operators prototype. status: not quite ready for prime time.
    • has a bunch of goofy operators nobody but me will ever use, such as is:article
    • still missing some classics like lang:, domain:, before:, and after:, and some oddballs like is:bot (would require extra join) and sort: (would break ID-based paging)
    • needs docs, although i know where Past Vyr basically already wrote them: https://github.com/VyrCossont/mastodon/pull/8 😇
  2. indexed full text search prototype. status: heretical.
    • only works on PostgreSQL: SQLite's full-text search is much fussier and requires using a "virtual table" and frankly i can't be bothered, at least tonight
    • direct port of https://github.com/VyrCossont/mastodon/pull/3 and has the same limitations: HTML isn't stripped, and media alt text and poll options aren't indexed
    • fixing that would start by adding a tsvector column that concatenates (with record separators? as an array?) the contents of filterableFields for a status, updates it every time the status or its attachments are edited, and GIN-indexes that column
    • ignores the whole issue of matching posts to language tags and language tags to PG text search configurations by assuming that everything is English
    • still massively faster than unindexed ILIKE that vanilla GTS uses

edit: fixed a backwards flag in has:media and related operators

GitHubAdvanced search operators · VyrCossont/gotosocial@a87e9d5Fast, fun, ActivityPub server, powered by Go. Contribute to VyrCossont/gotosocial development by creating an account on GitHub.

ok, here you go, updated GTS search patches for 0.18.0rc1. notice how they're on my repo? these are completely unofficial. do not bug anyone but me about them.

  1. improved hashtag search. status: upstreamable, mostly.
    • doesn't require # prefix to search hashtags
    • searches for matches anywhere in a hashtag: Mac now matches VintageMac as well as MacOS
    • includes hashtags when not specifically searching for accounts or statuses, like most Mastodon-compatibles
    • doesn't change existing tag sorting. popularity and/or recency might be more useful
  2. offset paging for searches. status: not upstreamable yet.
    • more compatible: many clients can't do ID paging
    • allows paging hashtag search results: Mastodon API has no concept of IDs for hashtags, so ID paging can't work for those anyway
    • possible performance issues: see comments on why main doesn't have it already. personally, i haven't noticed and i run this instance on a tiny VPS
  3. remove search restrictions. status: heretical.
    • searches any post on your instance (except other accounts' private/direct posts, and accounts that have you blocked)
    • includes public, unlisted, your own private and DM posts, and private and DM posts that are replies to you
    • expanded search is default: revert to standard GTS behavior by adding scope:classic or in:library operator to search query
    • definite performance issues: this means searching more posts! GTS does not use either PG full-text indexes/operators or SQLite full-text virtual tables, and this patch doesn't change that.
    • doesn't include alt text of media attachments, or polls, because main doesn't

i may add more patches to this list in the medium future as i add more functionality to my own instance, for example, date range operators (before:date, after:date), post property operators (has:image,has:poll, has:cw, is:sensitive, visibility:public), threading operators (to:user@instance.tld, is:reply, -is:reply), sort operators (sort:oldest, sort:newest, sort:favs) and maybe PG full-text indexing if i have a really good day (i really don't wanna figure out SQLite's weird shit! someone else do it!)

randos don't debate me about Fedi search. my clients can't set per-post interaction controls yet so i'll just block you.

GitHubSearch for tags even when # prefix is omitted · VyrCossont/gotosocial@bef51e4Search for internal matches, not just prefix matches A full-text search should return tags as well as accounts and statuses.

here's the final iteration of my Mastodon advanced search patch: github.com/VyrCossont/mastodon

this enables full-text search for posts you haven't interacted with, as well as full-text search for accounts, and includes several advanced filtering operators and parser fixes.

GitHubExtended post and account search by VyrCossont · Pull Request #8 · VyrCossont/mastodonVon VyrCossont
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There you go: codeberg.org/Letterus/synapse- @Codeberg

#Debian and #Ubuntu packages available @opensuse build service. I'm quite happy I now could install this package on my office machine and I'm finding my documents immediately, getting them presented in a pretty way! #Recoll #Synapse #Zeitgeist #FullText #Search

Codeberg.orgsynapse-projectFork of Synapse project that integrates Recoll search