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Oh The Urbanity! makes videos about cycling, public transport and urban planning. It's based in Canada, but it often looks at examples in other countries too. You can follow at:

➡️ @ohtheurbanity

There are already over 150 videos uploaded. If these haven't federated to your server yet, you can browse them all at video.canadiancivil.com/a/ohth

Canadian CivilOh The Urbanity!Oh The Urbanity! traverses cities by foot, bike, and public transit and aims to make informative and (hopefully) entertaining videos combining streetscapes and demographic data. We are based in Mon...

Urbanists.video is a PeerTube server for people interested in urbanism, walkable cities, public transport and related topics:

:Fediverse: urbanists.video

If you want to publish videos on these topics, this server is taking sign-ups that let you upload videos.

You can find out more at urbanists.video/about/instance or contact the admins @alex and @mattcaff

urbanists.videourbanists.videoA Peertube instance for everyone interested in walkable, livable places.
The town hall of Sabaudia. The name Sabaudia recalls the Piedmontese ruling house of the Savoys, from which Italian kings have descended since 1861. In 1922, King Vittorio Emanuele III proved to be a helpful stooge for Italian fascism. As a result, the head of state supported the transformation of Italy into a dictatorship with royal decrees and political abstinence. After the proclamation of the Impero, he was rewarded with the title of Emperor of Abyssinia and later also King of Albania. Only after the Allies had landed in Sicily did Vittorio Emanuele turn his back on Mussolini. But by then the reputation of the monarchy and the Sabauda family had already been so ruined that after the end of the Second World War, abdication and exile were the only options. In Italy, the view of the former royal family is very controversial. But in Sabaudia, surprisingly, almost the entire dynasty from the Middle Ages to recent history is honored with street names. #architekturfotografie #architektur #architecturephotography #modernarchitecture #bnw #urban #urbanism #urbanphotography #midcentury #30s #functionalism #rationalism #italy #lazio

#Cities / #Urbanism / #UrbanLife picks of the day:

➡️ @ohtheurbanity - Videos on urban planning in Canada & worldwide

➡️ @montymo - Street photographer of everyday life

➡️ @joepierce - Urban geographer at Univ of Aberdeen

➡️ @AmiW - Street art from around world

➡️ @reece@canadiancivil.com (main) & @reecemartintransit (blog) & @reece@video.canadiancivil.com (videos) - Urbanist & transport enthusiast, video maker

➡️ @citylab - News on cities, city planning

➡️ @sub_urban - German journal of critical urban research (in German)

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Autor srovnává místo Hitlerovy sebe važdy s místem kde Masarky podepsal s US-čecho-slováky dohodu o vzniku Českoslovenka.
- na obou místech je dnes parkoviště - v případě Hitlera je to prý OK, protože to prý není významné místo, v případě Masaryka špatné, protože šlo o prý "významnou událost" - usměvné ale je, že pro obyvatele Pittsburghu je vznik jakéhosi československa za oceánem věc patrně zcela nevýznamná. Autor tak nějak pozapomněl, koukat na tu věc ne očima svýma, ale lidí tamních :-)
(ale pokračuji ve čtení)
"I lidé co parkování považují za důležitější než dobré budovy snad z takového osudu důležitého místa nemají příliš radost. Udělat z něčeho parkoviště je totiž typicky trest za nějaký významný prohřešek. Parkoviště se přece nestaví místo důležitých věcí, parkoviště se postaví například na zakrytí zbytků berlínského bunkru ve kterém si na závěr druhé světové války Hitler po veselce prostřelil hlavu."


Smíchov Review of Cities · Milion plusVon Peter Bednár

Here are some video accounts to follow about public transport, cycling and city planning:



These are PeerTube accounts, but you can follow and interact with all of these from Mastodon etc.


"There's a clear similarity between the mid-2010s and our current moment: they were both times when the hype around artificial intelligence and automation were ascendent, if not reaching a fever pitch. A decade ago, the story was that rapid advances in AI and robotics were about to wipe out millions of jobs – maybe even half of all jobs in the United States – and self-driving cars played into that story.

Within a few years, taxi drivers, truck drivers, and delivery drivers were supposedly going to find themselves out of work as the computers took over. But the technology didn't advance to that level and the predicted widespread job losses didn't materialise.

Today, we're in a similar place. The explosion of generative AI a couple years ago has created an environment where it's easy to sell a similar story of the inevitability of self-driving cars all over again.

There's no question we're slowly starting to see more of them on the streets, but that doesn't mean they're going to be ubiquitous anytime soon – if ever – nor will they solve the entrenched problems in our transport system.

Technology doesn't solve what are inherently political problems. The deaths on our roads and the time we spend stuck in traffic or waiting for an infrequent bus are not because we're using the wrong technology. They're the result of choices we've collectively made for how to organise our transport system and give cars primacy over everything else."


Dezeen · "A repeat of the autonomous car hype-cycle of a decade ago is on the cards"Von Paris Marx

#Urbanism & #UrbanPlanning picks of the day:

➡️ @reece@video.canadiancivil.com (videos) & @reece@canadiancivil.com (main) & @reecemartintransit (blog) - Makes in-depth videos on public transport & urbanism around the world

➡️ @ohtheurbanity - Video channel about urbanism & cycling, based in Canada

➡️ @shifter - Video channel about cycling & urban planning

➡️ @paige@video.canadiancivil.com (videos) & @paige@canadiancivil.com (main) - Makes videos about urbanism, housing, politics etc, based in Canada

➡️ @notjustbikes - Makes videos about urban planning & transport

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