microblog.at ist einer von vielen unabhängigen Mastodon-Servern, mit dem du dich im Fediverse beteiligen kannst.
Dies ist die private Mastodon Instanz von Robert Lender

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»The social web is a new piece of technology that allows creators and publishers across different platforms to follow, like, reply and interact with one another in real-time.

If you've been writing things on the internet for a while, you might describe it as the return of the blogosphere.«

I really like that Ghost calls it »Social Web«.
And I'm beginning to really like Ghost too, for that matter.

#Ghost #ActivityPub #SocialWeb


Ghost Help Center · Social web (beta)💡Currently in public beta on Ghost(Pro) This feature is in active development, and is not yet complete. We're welcoming early testers to give it a try and share their feedback, as we work on finalizing this experience for inclusion in Ghost 6.0. Since 2013, Ghost has made it

I am creating a #ActivityPub minimalistic implementation of a badge system similar to Credly, built using #dotnet and leveraging the #Fediverse

I have issued a first badge, the idea is to decentralize the verification systems, and allow organizations to self-certify. It is incredible that organizations like Microsoft or Non-Profits pay thousands of dollars to companies like Pearson to just provide "verified" badges. Similar to mastodons installed in social-dot-something, thinkg of badges<dot> mozilla<dot>com , certifications<dot>myschooldistrict<dot>com. Or even a podcast emitting a badge for its guests, with the verification in the domain.

ActivityPub already offers a secure way to sign artifacts and interact between actors. The fediverse already have people with profiles, a social graph as @mike says, ready to use. Think of how LetsEncrypt disrupted that market of few actors selling certificates for websites.

I have a functional poc,
@fediverse is not a mastodon, pledora or blog, it is an actor in a badge system, but you can follow it in Mastodon. Its badges will show in #mastodon but they are not notes or articles. If you want to learn more, follow me, I will be sharing the progress here. Or follow the github project here: github.com/tryvocalcat/activit

Who wants a badge of early adopter?

ActivityPub Badges Implementa. Contribute to tryvocalcat/activitypub-badges development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHubGitHub - tryvocalcat/activitypub-badges: ActivityPub Badges ImplementaActivityPub Badges Implementa. Contribute to tryvocalcat/activitypub-badges development by creating an account on GitHub.

Hi @pfefferle ich habe hier eine interessante Entdeckung gemacht. Wenn ich den "Fediverse Reactions" Block in WordPress einfüge, scheint er sich an verschiedenen Stellen unterschiedlich zu verhalten. Im "Content" werden ALLE User die reagiert werden abgebildet. Im "Post loop" immer nur der LETZTE User. Ist euch das bekannt? Es sieht aus wie ein Bug…

Reflinks: videospielgeschichten.de/ (Kopf des Beitrags) und videospielgeschichten.de/goodb (unter dem Beitrag)

I’m still using Toot!, a client that hasn’t been updated in years. It’s still working fine, even thought lots of improvements have been made to mastodon. The underlying protocol hasn’t changed though and that’s why things still keep working. That’s why you want well thought out, well defined protocols that care about stability and interoperability. I love it. And that’s also why I love XMPP more than just whatever is hyped at the moment.

In the @newyorktimes: 👏🏼

"#ActivityPub has also led to a wave of start-up efforts such as #Mastodon, a microblogging service that now has more than 14 million accounts connected by a network of over 14,000 host computers, as well as start-ups like #Pixelfed and #PeerTube, distributed services that offer features similar to #Instagram and #YouTube."

A Long-Shot Bet to Bypass the Middlemen of #SocialMedia


Mike McCue, the chief executive of Flipboard, sees its new Surf browser as a tool to help internet users communicate without relying on a single centralized service.
The New York Times · Facing the Looming Threat of A.I., Publishers Turn to Decentralized PlatformsVon John Markoff
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Finally, our team had a wonderful time at #SXSW on Sunday and Monday, where Flipboard and @surf hosted the first #FediverseHouse. Our CEO @mike and the whole team are 100% #TeamFediverse, and were thrilled to meet and talk to so many other open social web advocates. Here’s a feature by @Markoff for @newyorktimes, where Mike, @Gargron and @reckless1280 discuss the rise of decentralized social media, and how it can help publishers and media companies survive and thrive.


Mike McCue, the chief executive of Flipboard, sees its new Surf browser as a tool to help internet users communicate without relying on a single centralized service.
The New York Times · Facing the Looming Threat of A.I., Publishers Turn to Decentralized PlatformsVon John Markoff
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“The Fediverse Isn’t the Future. It’s the Present We’ve Been Denied.” Here’s yet another brilliant feature by @Daojoan. “The fediverse won’t succeed just because it’s better. It will succeed if and only if people choose it. If they reject the idea that being trapped in someone else’s ecosystem is just the cost of existing online. If they stop believing that “free” means surrendering ownership of your own connections, your own history, your own data. If they see that the internet wasn’t built to be a factory for engagement metrics and AI-generated content farms. It was built to connect us, not silo us to pad a wealth-extremist’s bank account,” she writes.


westenberg. · The Fediverse Isn’t the Future. It’s the Present We’ve Been Denied.For years, the internet has been shrinking. Not in size, not in data, but in ownership. A vast, decentralized network of personal blogs, forums, and independent communities has been corralled into a handful of paved prison yards controlled by a few massive corporations. Every post, every “friend,” every creative work—

So many people in Denmark now talk about building a Danish/European social media platform (I proposed it 12 years ago and was laughed at) They want to start from scratch, but I keep saying we can build it on the ActivityPub protocol (alternatively Bueskys but I don't trust that in the long run). Anybody here who has experience with that? And know of other countries having done that? Contacts to people who could help build it? #activitypub #socialmedia @mastodon

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大部分(대부분)#ActivityPub 具顯(구현)들이 NoteArticle內容(내용) (content) 안에서 누군가 다른 액터를 멘션할 境遇(경우) tag 屬性(속성)으로 該當(해당)하는 Mention 客體(객체)들을 包含(포함)시킵니다. 그러면 Person, Group () 액터 客體(객체)들도 略歷(약력) (summary) 안에서 누군가 다른 액터를 멘션할 境遇(경우) tag 屬性(속성)으로 該當(해당)하는 Mention 客體(객체)들을 包含(포함)해야 할까요? 或是(혹시) 이미 그렇게 動作(동작)하는 具顯(구현)이 있을까요? (Mastodon은 確認(확인)해 본 結果(결과) 包含(포함)시키지 않는 것 같습니다만.) 어떻게 보시나요?

#연합우주 #聯合宇宙(연합우주) #fedidev

Most #ActivityPub implementations include Mention objects in the tag attribute when someone mentions another actor within the content of a Note or Article. Should actor objects like Person or Group also include Mention objects in their tag attribute when mentioning other actors within their bio (summary)? Are there any implementations that already work this way? (I've checked Mastodon and it seems they don't include these mentions.) What are your thoughts on this?