Habe gestern auf meinem #Homeserver Paperless-ngx installiert als eigene #proxmox VM. Gefällt mir auf den ersten Blick sehr gut! Dazu noch die kostenlose #iOS App "Paperless", funktioniert ebenfalls sehr gut.
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Habe gestern auf meinem #Homeserver Paperless-ngx installiert als eigene #proxmox VM. Gefällt mir auf den ersten Blick sehr gut! Dazu noch die kostenlose #iOS App "Paperless", funktioniert ebenfalls sehr gut.
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#introduction though I'm not new here, but moved to my #selfhosted #Mastodon instance half a year ago
I'm Florian , #IT/computer science student at #RWTHAachen
and #tech enthusiast.
I do lots of #selfhosting in my #homelab, develop apps with #Flutter , but also websites
and other #software
I'm very passionate about emergency #medicine and work as a #paramedic (Rettungssanitäter
) on the #ambulance
in #ems
I love water sports, be it #sailing , #diving
or #swimming
Ich bin nicht #neuhier, aber vor gut 1/2 Jahr auf meine #selfhosted #Mastodon-Instanz umgezogen
Ich bin Florian , #Informatik|student an der #RWTHAachen
und #tech-Enthusiast.
Ich hoste vieles im #homelab #selfhosting, programmiere Apps mit #Flutter , aber auch Webseiten
und andere #Software
Zudem begeistert mich die #Notfallmedizin #Medizin und ich bin als #Rettungssanitäter im #Rettungsdienst tätig .
Ich liebe #Wassersport, egal ob #Segeln , #Tauchen
oder #Schwimmen
Die #PeerTube Instanz https://clip.place hat soeben 3 "Runner" erhalten. Die Last der zu erledigen Transkodierungen wird nun auf drei Server verteilt.
Dies beschleunigt die Umwandlung der Videos und die Veröffentlichungen finden schneller statt.
#Blind people who use #Matrix, particularly on #Windows, is #Element the most #accessible client? I've been getting into it because a lot of communities for #SelfHosted services use it, but I don't find Element the easiest to navigate, so I'm wondering if there are other options.
#SelfHosting #OpenSource #Accessibility #ScreenReader #ScreenReaders
@mastoblind @main
Ich weiß nicht warum es so ist, aber #Readeck ist die einzige funktionierende Read-It-Later-Lösung, die gleichzeitig #selfhosted und nicht komplett hässlich ist.
Moving away from ProtonMail I looked at several options. Changing email addresses everywhere when I change providers seemed so unflexible, so I've set up a #selfhosted @simplelogin instance and moved all my aliases there.
Right now my default mailbox points to @Tutanota but changing email providers is just changing the address of the default mailbox in my SL instance!
And I can even use PGP between SL and the mailbox, if there are add-ins or the provider supports it ootb.
So, last night I finally took the last step and switchted my DNS entries to my own self hosted mail server (@mwl your book was really helpful - great work!)
But now I am back to my previous problem - which mail client to use on iOS and macOS - any suggestions fediverse? (boosts are quiet welcome)
#selfhosted #email #mailserver #ios #macos
Wer mag kann meinen Blog hier im Fediverse folgen. :-) Heute das Thema Unplug Trump.
Folgt mir https://dasnetzundich.de/unplug-trump-so-reduziere-ich-meine-abhaengigkeit-von-us-diensten/
Mein Blog ist hier erreichbar @lars@dasnetzundich.de
Installed the new 4x14TB in Xeon 1220v2, 32gb ram truenas scale NAS, 2x2 mirror vdev, ~23TB usable, seeing ~800MB/ in reads and ~200MB/S in writes. Should I Add a small 1TB SSD mirror VDEV as SLOG to speed up writes? What would you do to better use the insane LAN bandwidth available? #selfhosted #homelab #truenas
Ausführliche Beschreibung einer Cryptpad-Installation auf einem Raspberry Pi:
(via @selfhst )
PdfDing (selfhosted):
Verwaltet auf sehr einfache Weise PDF-Dokumente. Man kippt gewissermaßen seine Dokumente rein und organisiert sie mit Tags.
Notizen zum Dokument können in Markdown hinzugefügt werden.
Favoriten, Teilungsfunktion, Multi-User, Lesefortschritt, Archivbereich.
Allerdings keine Volltextsuche.
Einfache Installation via Docker, gute mobile Ansicht. Raspberry Pi genügt.
Welcome to All Europeans!
We will post and boost content to encourage people to replace their non-EU products and services with European, #selfhosted or open source alternatives.
Tag us if you want to recommend something!
If you're a EU company, follow us and we'll follow you back and share your product with the community.
Start buying European products to boycott bully countries and foreign monopolies.
Or maybe you just want to boost the local economy?
Buying European products has many benefits, including supporting local entrepreneurs, creating jobs, and increasing money circulation within your country or neighbour country.
It's also more environmentally friendly!
When the local economy is strong, everyone benefits.
Blog post updated!
This about is the infamous "Day 2 operations" problem. I promise I will post more about these kind of situations.
After using Renovate on my self-hosted Forgejo for a few days, I realized there was an option missing, so I updated my blog post.
If you want to see the change log for the images that need to be updated, and they happen to be in GitHub (.com), then you need to pass a token to the Renovate workflow. I hope it has been well explained now.
Would you help a poor single-user Friendica server admin out and boost this post?
Boosting will increase the number of servers my server federates with.
Any #selfhosted bookmarking app suggestions ? I had used #wallabag back then, but it was a long time ago, and there are some new apps on the street such as #linkwarden or #hoarder . What link bookmarking / archiving apps are you using, and why?
The end of an era. The move of our repo to a #selfhosted @forgejo is now completed, the #github repo has been archived!
Mal ein deutlich besser gemachtes Video zu Paperless-ngx. Die Installation finde ich zwar zu umständlich, aber es werden recht praxisnah und ausführlich die Grundlagen erklärt. Ein bisschen Storytelling mit kleinen Videos ist auch dabei. (Hat sogar über 50.000 Aufrufe.)
@Pixelix as long as this new Project is just another Service where people get locked-in instead of for easy Self-Hosting, i will not recommend this to anyone and instead will warn before it!
Besides all the buzz, it's looks like a cheap clone of Linktree and similar services.
BookStack v25.02 is now here with:
Automatic book sorting
Search index improvements
New WYSIWYG editor enhancements
Framework upgrade
Plus many other fixes & tweaks!