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Dies ist die private Mastodon Instanz von Robert Lender

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✨ Aujourd'hui je vous présente la Barbastelle d'Europe !
✨ Une petite chauve-souris au physique plutôt atypique avec des oreilles très larges "attachés" au sommet du crâne, un pelage très sombre, assez long.
✨ La Barbastelle est une espèce plutôt forestière, elle aime particulièrement les écorces décollées des arbres pour s'y cacher ☺️
✨Vous pouvez retrouver des tirages de cette illustration par ici: clairemotzart.etsy.com/listing
#chauvesouris #especemenacee #wildlife #wildlifephotography #wildlifeprotection #ecologie #biologie #nature #naturephotography #bat #bats #batpics #sciart #MastoArt #illustration #photonature #sciencesnaturelles #biodiversite

Apparently bats hunt moths using sonar, but moths have evolved sonar-jamming techniques that make them invisible to bats, but bats have evolved counter-jamming techniques to make moths visible, and all of this sonar war happened long long before humans stumbled upon these same techniques for radar:

"The jamming of bat sonar by certain tiger moth species has been confirmed. This can be seen as nature's equivalent of radar jamming. Similar to human ECCM techniques, bats are found to change their emission lengths to defeat jamming."


en.wikipedia.orgRadar jamming and deception - Wikipedia

Hoi, I'm Domo!

You can follow (or filter) specific tags to get (or not get) specific content from me:

- #domo_art is where I post my artwork (sometimes with CW nsfw)

- #BG3 is where I post about Baldur's Gate 3.

- #tamagotchi is where I post about digital pets/digital idle toys when I am running them. I mostly use this when new color screen Tamagotchis release.

- #trans is where I post about trans stuff sometimes

- #bats are where I post about cute bats

- #vegan is where I post both food pics and general vegan musings

Outside of that stuff I also love trains/trams, queer comic books, and cartoons (Steven Universe, Infinity Train, Dead End Paranormal Park, Craig of the Creek, and more).

I'm also an anarchist that posts about US/NL/EU politics, with CW (uspol, nlpol, eupol).

I also hate cars and nuclear energy, just to weed out some other people. Wind, solar, geothermal, and hydro-electric energy are fine replacements for fossil fuels, however we still need to talk about the mining industry and the slavery that it uses/encourages.

Love trains and believe they, as well as healthcare and housing should be free.

If I ever miss a CW you need or forget alt text, you are absolutely welcome to call me out privately or publicly - even if it's a boost - and I'll be sure to add whatever you need :cinna_bow:

(I update this post periodically)

1/2 Yeah, the magical moment when the new episode of #NatureMatchCuts is online! 🥳 🥂
▶️ podcasters.spotify.com/pod/sho (You can listen with every podcatcher and on every platform).
I proudly present my interview with Anoura, the bat and Epostoa, the cactus, and a lot of seawater and pollinators. Sorry, that I even sing like Kermit! 🤭

Spotify for PodcastersWhen Gardeners Run Wild II. by NatureMatchCutsDiscover an extreme element for gardeners and pollinators in Part II of Ep. 7! Let's dive into prehistoric times or the Caribbean Sea. I sing like Kermit to find marine pollinators. We meet the oldest clone organism on earth and cheerleaders mopping the seabed. My interview with a bat and a cactus reveals everything about this couple and why some plants build bat motels! Intro 0:00-0:40 Recap Part I 0:41-07:08 Underwater Gardens 07:09-10:43 The Invention Of Flowers 10:44-14:07 Meadows In The Sea 14:08-19:23 The Oldest Living Organism 19:24-21:45 Our Gardeners & Climate Change 21:46-27:03 Solutions 27:04-28:37 Strange Couples 28:38-31:00 A Cheerleader Mops The Seabed 31:01-35:03 Interview With A Fluffy Cactus & A Pollinator Bat 35:04-56:47 Outro 56:48-57:23 Website, Newsletter (free) & Community (please support my work) https://naturematchcuts.net Buy me a coffee on Kofi https://ko-fi.com/naturematchcuts Music: Intense Dark Action Orchestra by (Justin Williams) DeVern, CC Attribution 3.0 Licence

Well, you decided in a poll whom I will interview in my next #podcast episode of #NatureMatchCuts. It's a real challenge: a #cactus talking to #bats! Your wish is my command: mastodon.online/@NatureMC/1114

I know the episode about #animal #gardeners was scheduled for the end of Nov. This year is a disaster. I'm working on it, but with the loss of Bilbo, I need some time for me. Thank you for your patience! Meanwhile, you can listen to older episodes naturematchcuts.net #naturelovers I'll be back!

MastodonPetra van Cronenburg (@NatureMC@mastodon.online)Whom should I #interview for the next episode (When Gardeners Run Wild II.) of my #podcast #NatureMatchCuts? #gardening #SciComm #natureLovers #animals #natureWriting #biodiversity [ ] a cactus talking to bats [ ] soil life mini people [ ] a crab & a sea anemone [ ] a sapsucker

It is spring here, and already there's 50 fires in the state of New South Wales. I'm hoping today's fire weather does not send the Willi Willi fire on a run. The region is in drought, everything is so dry.

After 1 week, there's a 150 km fire front to defend. Sadly, a life, houses and sheds have been lost, national park burnt through, maternity bat sites burnt over.

Close to the fire symbol on the map is one of the Kempsey Speleological Society long-term cave monitoring sites (and lots of bats).

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Der Buschtrommel-Podcast zum Thema Mauersegler und dem Projekt
"Ein Platz für den #Spatz & Co"
Energetische Sanierung und Brutplatzverlust. In der Ausführung fehlt der Hinweis, dass MS und Spatz ortstreu sind und alle am Gebäude brütenden Vögel zu den besonders geschützten Tierarten gehören. Bundesnaturschutzgesetz BNatSchG 44
Gast: Franco Cassese, Mitarbeiter von der biologischen Station Hagen e.V.

#Gebäudebrüter #swift #sparrow #bats
nest site loss


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Was bei Sanierung ohne ökologische Baubegleitung passiert. Vorher verlief hier ein Regenrohr, dahinter, an den Schellen sind oft Niststätten von Mauersegler + Spatzen. Die Nester werden dann ersatzlos verschlossen. Sitzen Vögel drin, wird hemmungslos verschäumt oder entsorgt.

#Gebäudebrüter #Spatz #Mauersegler

Building nesting birds #sparrow #swift
#bats and companions #birds
#safethebirds #safethesparrows