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🧵 da Münchens bescheidendste Kirche auf großes Interesse gestoßen ist noch ein kleiner Nachschlag. Ich wollte eigentlich auch in die Kirche, aber bis auf den Vorraum (der auf den Bildern unten gezeigt wird) konnte sie nicht betreten werden. Das Bild oben entstand auch durch's Absperrgitter...

A throwback to the first image I printed large. I was only a few months into owning a camera, when I shot this image.

I've since re-edited it to be more natural. My original version was a bit more inline with the teal/orange trends of the time. Embarrassingly i'd shifted all the greens towards a desaturated dull green and the bridge to a more orange brown... Oof. Glad I never really got hooked into that trend for long!

A boat at the beach of Imbassaí (Bahia, Brazil) during sunset.
Imbassaí is wonderful small village directly by the Atlantic Ocean approximately 80 km north of Salvador. The former indigenous village has become a touristic center in the region, due to its amazing location and beauty. It’s directly located where a river with the same name (Imbassaí) flows into the ocean. The river separates the beaches, which are located on an offshore island, from the land. That means if you’re on the beach island you can choose between the wild saltwater of the Atlantic Ocean or the calm sweet water of the Imbassaí river.

Nikon D700
AF-S NIKKOR 24-70 f2.8G ED
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