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Today I learned about Able To Play, a website that will apparently match you to #videogames based on your specific #accessibility requirements. It sounds potentially excellent.

Unfortunately it requires you to create and log into an account, linking a personal identifier (email address) to a bunch of metrics about your accessibility needs in a database owned by someone you probably don't know or trust.

This is such an astonishing misstep that it makes me question whether #disabled people were involved in its development at all. They could've let people use it anonymously, trading some repeat visitor convenience for trust or storing the data locally on their device.

Able to Play, a game repository that helps you find games that match your accessibility needs, just launched!


For gamedevs/game requests: Here's some info on how to make a game available on there:

It's still a young platform, so please give them lots of feedback to help improve it!


AbleToPlayAble To Play — The Easiest Way to Find Accessible GamesFind games that meet your personalized accessibility needs - quickly, easily, and for free!

I really enjoying playing this nice little Game called "The Spell Brigade" on Steam on Linux at occasion, just a quick round in single or multi -player for an hour or so. 😀


That's mostly all what i want these times in terms of Gaming, just some quick distraction from reality for an hour or so, nothing fast or complex like fps or rts. 😉

Fortgeführter Thread

If you attach Sonic 2 to the Sonic & Knuckles lock-on this unlocks "Knuckles the Echidna in Sonic the Hedgehog 2", wherein the player can play the game using Knuckles and his abilities. ⬇️

Using these special moves, Knuckles can explore areas inaccessible with Sonic or Tails, where secrets such as extra monitors have been added. ➕

🧵 4/x

Are there cozier #StardewValley-like #games that do not stress the player as much?

I always bounce off S. V. in the first few in-game days because the whole game seems to be a terrifying race against time.
Optimize your farm output before winter comes! Don't buy the wrong crop or waste all your progress! Don't talk to people or you'll run out of daytime to care for your farm!

I always felt like Stardew Valley was the opposite of a cozy relaxing game for me. It was pure anxiety.

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Sonic & Knuckles has a lock-on feature that allows players to open the hatch on top of the cartridge and insert a second one. ⬇️

When Sonic 3 is inserted, the player can play through both games as one, the originally intended Sonic 3 & Knuckles. ☑️
This features several changes to the games, such as slightly altered level layouts and the ability to play through both titles as Knuckles or Tails. 🦔

🧵 3/x

Dear #mankind please back my #startup #startups #project #EternalFlame (for #EternalFame)

like #videogames with friends?

Humans vs AI Skeletons?

Imagine #Zelda or #DarkAlliance 2 #Baldursgate in online multiplayer: team up with friends to epic #rpg #lovestory + #jokes to kill Skeletons with friends?

Plus: it will be 100% #opensource so u could even start private #server!!! :)

#EternalLame? Nah its gonna be #EPIC #fun #games #game #crowd #crowdfunding #indiegame

Fortgeführter Thread

Today I took care of a Super Nintendo console, controller and some games.
Among them was Super Mario Kart which unfortunately had a damaged cover. 💥

With the help of some glue, precision tools and coloring pencils I could save and preserve a lot of its original appearance, now hopefully giving someone the opportunity to indulge in childhood memories with a beautiful cartridge played on an original SNES. 👍

Es ist Freitag! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

Guten Morgen allerseits. Ich hatte gestern Abend einen Post geschrieben, ganz spontan, ohne darüber nachzudenken. Einfach als "Danke" für all die Admins hier im Fediverse. Und dieser Post wurde bis jetzt 150x geteilt, noch öfter geliked. Und die Likes gehen noch weiter, wie ich gerade sehe. Ihr seid ja der Wahnsinn! 🙈😂😉

Schauen wir mal schnell in #MeineTimeline... Es geht um Faktenchecks, Autos, ausgefallene S-Bahnen, OpenAI wird nun den Datenschutz in Europa verbessern und bietet bei ChatGPT Enterprise, ChatGPT Edu und der API-Plattform die Möglichkeit an, Daten innerhalb Europas abzulegen und - gläserne Toilettenkabinen. Also nicht von OpenAI, aber in meiner Timeline.

Da fällt mir ein, dass wir letztes Jahr in einem Hotel waren (Doppelzimmer) und die Schiebe(!)tür vom Badezimmer aus gut durchschaubaren Milchglas bestand... die Toilette war gleich neben der Schiebetür. 👍 Als wenn das nicht reichte, war genau gegenüber der Schiebetür der Spiegel der Komode, vom Bett aus konnte man also genau in das Badezimmer reinschauen und den anderen auf der Schüssel sitzen sehen. Also wer sich sowas ausdenkt... 🙄

Dann wollte ich euch noch rasch erzählen, dass es bei Epic Games wieder ein gratis Spiel zum Wochenende gibt - Beyond Blue. Der Download ist bis zum 13.02.2025 17 Uhr möglich.

Link: store.epicgames.com/de/p/beyon…

#gm, #GutenMorgen, #kostenlos, #Games, #ChatGPT, #OpenAI, #Download