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Yesterday I directed the shoot for the #pilot of my wife's children's #TV show, Lilypad Library. She's been developing the show for the past year, and it was so amazing to get talented people together and get an episode filmed. I'm incredibly proud of her, and I'm proud of myself for getting everything we needed shot in a single day.

I have a lot of editing work ahead of me, but it will be great to have a rough cut to show at #Kidscreen.

There are a few seconds that feel magical to me.

It's when I've prepared the plane, I am ready to take off, and I align the plane to the runway.

For a few seconds, everything feels calm and quiet. Those seconds feel like minutes. I relax totally.

Then you hear "Easy001, cleared for take-off, 35R". I set the thrust to 50%, check the engines, put the thrust lever to Flex. The speed increases, all I see is the runway and how I need to keep the plane in the center line. Then the non-flying pilot announces "V1" and "Rotate", and I'm finally airborne. 👩‍✈️ ✈️
