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Guten Morgen meine allerliebsten Trötianer , ein neuer Tag bricht an. Er ist noch ein bisschen unterkühlt, aber mit Sonne. Beim ersten Streifzug durch den Garten heute Morgen sind mir diese beiden sofort ins Auge gestochen. Ich war berührt von diesem Foto. Ich kann euch gar nicht wirklich sagen warum . Deswegen möchte ich es auch mit euch teilen . Kommt gut in diesen Donnerstag 🫶 #nature #flowers #poppies #mohnblüten #mohn

No one can prepare you for the impact Tyne Cot Cemetery has on a human mind of today, being not aware of the terrors and fears that came with The Great War. 11,965 burials, of which 8,369 are unnamed, mark the Belgian landscape while fields of crops and wheat embrace this monumental site.⁣

Hold your breath and try to walk humbly over this burial ground once you made it to this region in Belgium - and try to learn from history!

Lest we forget.

#flandersfields1418 #travellingthroughtheworld #history 🇧🇪 #visitbelgium #ww1stories #commonwealthwargraves #soldiersofthegreatwar #ww11418lestweforget #lestweforget #commonwealthwargraves #tynecot #tynecotcemetery #brothers #flandersfields #johnmccrae #respect #thanks #ypres #ieper #thegreatwar #flanders #tombstones #visitflanders #ww1 #poppies #ww1facts #stadieper #visitieper #crossofsacrifice #rememberthewar #passionww1 #gravesite #burialground #unknownsoldier #johnmccraeinflandersfieldswherepoppiesgrow #pixelfedbelgium

Day 1/97: I’m baaaack! My holiday brain reset break stretched out longer than planned… but just when I thought I might never do anything but play dumb games on my phone again, along comes the #100DayProject to give me a kick in the ass.

Which I promptly ignored for three days, leaving me with a #97DayProject (which is the hashtag to follow if you want to see my posts in particular… :blobfoxlaughsweat:)

No one can prepare you for the impact Tyne Cot Cemetery has on a human mind of today, being not aware of the terrors and fears that came with The Great War. 11,965 burials, of which 8,369 are unnamed, mark the Belgian landscape while fields of crops and wheat embrace this monumental site.⁣

Hold your breath and try to walk humbly over this burial ground once you made it to this region in Belgium - and try to learn from history (which we all should do)!⁣

#flandersfields1418 #travellingthroughtheworld #history 🇧🇪 #visitbelgium #ww1stories #commonwealthwargraves #soldiersofthegreatwar #ww11418lestweforget #lestweforget #commonwealthwargraves #tynecot #tynecotcemetery #brothers #flandersfields #johnmccrae #respect #thanks #ypres #ieper #thegreatwar #flanders #tombstones #visitflanders #ww1 #poppies #ww1facts #stadieper #visitieper #crossofsacrifice #rememberthewar #passionww1 #gravesite #burialground #unknownsoldier #johnmccraeinflandersfieldswherepoppiesgrow #pixelfedbelgium
In other countries (especially Belgium, France or the UK) the Great War is clearly more present than the Second World War. In German history, both wars are the proof for the downfall of mankind but - perceived - the cruelties of WW2 are dominating here in Germany due to our ashaming historical legacy and millions of inexpressible crimes against humanity.

Apart from that, when walking through Hamburg-Rahlstedt, I found this memorial to the fallen heroes of World War I by coincidence, getting the proof that the utter sacrifice of brave men of all nations (and German soldiers) in the first World War hasn't been forgotten as well.

Lest we forget.

#flandersfields1418 #travellingthroughtheworld #history #visithamburg #ww1stories #commonwealthwargraves #soldiersofthegreatwar #ww11418lestweforget #lestweforget #flandersfields #respect #thanks #Hamburg #hamburgcity #thegreatwar #hamburgstories #ww1 #poppies #ww1facts #stadieper #visitieper #rememberthewar #passionww1 #pixelfedgermany