Apple blocks Developer Enterprise Program for Russian companies.
The Apple Developer Enterprise Program allows companies to develop and distribute apps internally. This is no longer possible in Russia.

Apple blocks Developer Enterprise Program for Russian companies.
The Apple Developer Enterprise Program allows companies to develop and distribute apps internally. This is no longer possible in Russia.
New blog post!
This time it's my first post about slightly advanced programming in Python. I talk about using the dependency injection design pattern to separate business logic from I/O calls to have cleaner code and simpler tests.
Well, actually the topic is more generic and can be applied to any programming language, but here I use Python as an example.
Anyway, here it is!
"After 12 years of coding, I’d somehow become worse at my own craft. And this isn’t hyperbole—this is the new reality for software developers."
I have a question for all of you who have insight into software development from a project management perspective: If you do security audits (pentests, secure code reviews), how much of your total budget do you spend on them?
For example, if your total budget for a project is 200k and you end up doing a pentest for 15k, it would be 7,5% or up to 10%. The poll is for a rough overview, but please give more detailed answers in the replies if you can.
Liebe Kolleg:innen in der IT-Industrie: Jetzt ist wieder die #Spenden-Jahreszeit gekommen. BITTE sprecht eure Arbeitgeber darauf an, ob ihr bereits an #OpenSource Projekte spendet, oder fangt damit an. Mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit ruht der Erfolg eurer Firma auf den Schultern von #OSS Projekten. Bitte gebt etwas zurück. Nehmt z.B. eine fixe Summe und teilt sie auf die meist verwendeten X Dependencies eurer profitablen Projekte auf. Spenden! Jetzt! #SoftwareDevelopment
"The core issue is that open source contributors are not paid fairly. 60% of open-source maintainers are unpaid volunteers, and just 13% make a living as professional project maintainers, according to the 2023 State of the Open Source Maintainer Report."
Boosts appreciated
Calling all Tech leads and Software Architects in my network...
... I need your help!
I'm preparing my next talks for #conferences like iSAQB® Software Architecture Gathering and OOP Konferenz and I need your views.
Please cast your vote below and/or add other reasons in the comments.
(or via DM)
Thank you so much.
#SoftwareArchitecture #SoftwareCraft #SoftwareDevelopment
Whats the BIGGEST obstacle for you to be able to do the best work you could do?
Hey devs, share some #newsletters you’re subscribed to! Interested specifically in: web, iOS, UI/UX
Do you know any public git repository with excellent commit messages?
Can anybody convince me to use Gitmoji?
Or explain to me why using emojis for categorisation in git commit messages is not worth the effort?
Now live for another day of Koto development in #Qt6, Kirigami, KF6, and more. #Linux #SoftwareDevelopment
Die Software-Architektur sauber und wartbar zu halten, kann eine Herausforderung sein. In meinem neuesten Blogbeitrag gehe ich auf ArchUnit ein und zeige, wie man damit sicherstellt, dass die Architektur auf Kurs bleibt!
Wenn du als Entwickler deine Codequalität verbessern und Architekturregeln durchsetzen willst, ist dieser Beitrag genau das Richtige für dich!
#softwaredevelopment #ArchUnit #codemaintenance #qualitycode #developerlife #codingtips codecentric AG
The concept of Test-Driven Development (TDD) isn’t particularly new anymore. But even after quite a few years of accompanying my code (regardless if it’s a Rails app or Chef infra code) with tests, TDD is still far from being second nature to me. A talk from RubyHACK 2018 motivated me to get better at it.
I'm also keen to try to incorporate some of my creative life into my tech life for what feels like it would be the first time. Music and drawing are a big part of me and my story. And sport. I should consider some sport stuff. But definitely Big Data and sensors. Fick I love sensors. And robots.
managed a new blog post:
"So you want to hire product minded people"
essentially the things I've converged on to ask about given the chance when interviewing for a job with a software product company (and why)
#SoftwareDevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #ProductManagement
You may change length limit and add markdown depending on the #Mastodon flavour that you have in your server. Here is an example:
To help you choose if you install and maintain a better instance, you may read my considerations on flavours and forks there: