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First, they shut down the Basic HTML site, forcing many of us to switch to clients such as Thunderbird. Now, they're using qr codes which are not only inaccessible to the blind but also to those who don't use smartphones! This is ridiculous! Yes, they do still have the option to click whether it's you trying to sign in or not (which still requires a smartphone and a carrier, which they claim to be concerned about), but how long before they remove that, too?


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Naturally, the best thing to do was to try #Tapestry for myself. I added my Mastodon account and here's what I found:
1. Each post requires between 9 and 11 swipes to read with #VoiceOver. This can be reduced to 6 or 7 swipes per post in the collapsed timeline view, and 4 or 5 in the "mini" view. But the last of these doesn't include the text of posts.
2. Each post has three VoiceOver actions: the standard "Activate", "Open original", and "View details". "Activate" doesn't seem to do anything, "View details" opens a modal screen with similar info as on the timeline entry itself, and "Open original" opens the post on the Mastodon instance in a webview.
3. As you may've inferred from point number 2, you can't post, repost, reply, like, or bookmark from this app. You can mark a timeline entry, but that seems specific to the app and doesn't do anything on Mastodon.
4. There's a "Menu" button on each entry which has a few more buttons that aren't present as VoiceOver actions (e.g. "Translate" and "Share").

Right now, this is a no from me. The #accessibility is not good, and I can't really conceive an idea of reading my Mastodon timeline without interacting with any of the content in it.

Hi @overcastfm. I've stuck with your #iOS #Overcast app over the years, mostly because of the superior audio playback features. However, there is no Back button on the Now Playing screen for #Voiceover users. I listen to some things over long periods of time, and want to leave and return to them. I can't do this, unless I force quit and relaunch the app! Please add a Back button to that screen! Thanks. #blind #apple #accessibility #a11y #podcasting

Nachdem ich das restliche Jahr #Urlaub habe dachte ich, dass ich meinen #Geburtstag heute mal dazu nutzen könnte, mein #iPhone an meine Bedürfnisse anzupassen.

Was wollte ich erreichen?
Von #Android kenne ich das einfache Verschieben von digitalen Büchern und Musik. Da ich viele Bücher als ePub kaufe und meine Musik auf CD im Regal und digital auf der Festplatte liegen, wäre das vermutlich mit iTunes gegangen. Davon bin ich aber kein Fan, zumal iTunes viel zu gerne in Metadaten von Musik rumpfuscht.

Mein erster Versuch war das Programm WALTR Pro. Meine Partnerin nutzt es für ihr iPad. Ich habe es aber nicht zum Laufen bringen können. Zumindest nicht mit Screenreader.

Meine Bücher habe ich kürzlich mit #Localsend aufs iPhone bekommen. Als zweiten Schritt konnte ich die Bücher dann in #SpeechCentral laden.

Fehlte noch die Musik. Gleiches Vorgehen um festzustellen, dass die Musik-App nicht erlaubt, lokale Dateien zu durchsuchen. Nachdem ich jetzt #Foobar2000 aufs iPhone installierte, läuft aber auch das. Einziges Problem: Der Bildschirm, auf dem angezeigt wird, was gerade läuft, ist für #VoiceOver gar nicht sichtbar. Kurzerhand deaktiviert, dass der angezeigt wird und jetzt läuft meine lokale Musik auf dem iPhone.

Ein bisschen durch die Brust ins Auge, wie man so schön sagt. Aber es läuft. Auch wenn Localsend für meinen Geschmack deutlich zu viele unbenannte Schaltflächen hat. Das darf in 2024 nun wirklich nicht mehr passieren! Wenn da noch nachgebessert würde, wäre ich noch zufriedener.

Ich habe ein Problem: Ich kann lange Texte nicht so gut lesen, werde es aber müssen aufgrund einer bevorstehenden Umschulung. Ich hatte die Idee, einen #Screenreader zu verwenden, um den Inhalt über mehrere Kanäle in mein Gehirn zu bekommen. Ich habe das #VoiceOver von #Apple ausprobiert und habe bis jetzt keine Einstellung gefunden, mit der das für mich funktioniert. Hat jemand Tipps zur Bedienung oder andere Programme?

#Followerpower #adhs #autismus :BoostOK: :ReplyOK:

A little #gratitude goes a long way! ❤️

✅ Recycled candle holder: transformed it into a daily investment for my #mentalhealth and #happiness by making notes about places, spaces, situations, people I appreciate!

✅ pre-cut paper notes using decorative-edge scissor ⭐

✅ entries all handwritten with pen or colour pencils ☺️

These are my November deposits: copy this idea and invest into your well-being by listing things, food, experiences that brought you joyful memories 🌻

Hi Fedi!
I tutor an #iOS + #macOS developer, Tyler Sheft, and he just released a new totally-free zero-ads app!

🙏 Would love your help boosting :goose_honk: to gather users + feedback, please and thank you!

This is an app I dreamt up to help capture #musicProduction ideas that come to me, but it’s intended to be flexible in a variety of use-cases, from note-taking to flash cards.

He’s got a whole suite of apps, mostly #OSS (link at bottom), but I’m particularly keen on getting users + feedback on his latest release:


Minimum requirements: macOS 14, or iOS 17. Zero data collected by the developer.

Tyler is legally blind, and his apps aim to be #VoiceOver accessible.

Any feedback and feature requests would be oh-so-helpful; you can send feedback to me here on Mastodon, or make a GitHub issue:


A friend of mine, also blind and a very advanced user, tried to send me a Zoom meeting invitation with a Mac. Here's what happened:
1. Instead of a meeting at 4 pm the meeting was set to last from 8 PM previous day to 4 PM next day;
2. the appointment location contained only this: "[Name Redacted] is inviting you to a Zoom meeting.";
3. The appointment body was totally empty, so no Zoom link was available.
That's all you need to know about #Accessibility and usability of a Mac with #VoiceOver.
To prevent a holy war of devoted Mac fans, I am not telling you this is completely impossible. I'm just telling you that on Windows it's a breeze for a blind user and I even don't know how to achieve such messy results here.

Attention all #remoteIncidentManager technicians who may be assisting end users running macOS Sequoia:
Recent changes in macOS Sequoia have created some challenges for our Remote Accessibility Module, which allows seamless assistance without revealing the technician’s disability.
Due to changes in how #VoiceOver settings are managed in macOS Sequoia, visually impaired technicians may experience issues that disrupt their ability to perform tasks discreetly. We’ve identified these problems and are working with Apple’s Accessibility team to find a long-term solution, but we need your help to make sure this critical issue is prioritized.
If you’ve experienced difficulties using RIM on macOS Sequoia, we encourage you to contact Apple’s Accessibility department - accessibility@apple.com - and politely but firmly advocate the prioritization of a reliable API that allows for safe, controlled adjustments to VoiceOver.
Spread this message far and wide! Together, we can push for better accessibility and maintain the tools that empower visually impaired professionals, while fully preserving their dignity by preventing non-consensual disclosure of disability. Accessibility is a right to inclusivity, and true inclusivity in this case must allow for the fair and equal treatment of visually impaired technicians in this stage of the support process.
#accessibility #inclusivity

Wonder if any other #Blind #iOS 18.2 beta 1 users are seeing a serious #VoiceOver regression?
I suspect this relates to a specific kind of list control, but in certain apps, as I flick left or right through items, VoiceOver just goes silent on certain items. Sometimes, if you flick left to the previous item and then right to get back to the item that wasn’t speaking before, you hear the item, at other times you don’t, and the only way to hear the currently focussed item is to perform a three-finger single tap.
I am seeing this after trying several voices, and making a few other changes that I thought might work around the problem. So far, I haven’t found a fix.
I am seeing this in a list of articles in the Lire RSS Reader, it’s happening a little here in Mona, and it is also reproduceable if I go into VoiceOver settings and flick through the items in the What’s New in VoiceOver screen.
It is speech only. If you have a Braille display connected, you can read the item in Braille even when VoiceOver doesn’t speak it.
I’d be curious to know if others are seeing it, because if it is widespread, it could be a reason for those who rely heavily on their iPhones to give the public beta a miss assuming this first build goes out to public beta.

Sigh, some app or setting is stopping #VoiceOver from speaking when trying to read incoming info for a call, speak the on-screen buttons during a call, and speaking the buttons on the Shut Down screen. I fully restored my phone and that fixed it for a little while, but then it started happening again once all my apps were downloaded. Not happening on other 16 Pros or others running iOS 18.0.1, and haven't downloaded anything new in a while. Extremely frustrating trying to narrow this down :(