Die kleine Eule von neulich hat jetzt eine Eulenfroindin bekommen.
Die kleine Eule von neulich hat jetzt eine Eulenfroindin bekommen.
Weird Tales vol. 24, no. 4 (October 1934)
Instagram influencers beware. This woman is violating social norms for clout and I'm pretty sure she comes to a bad end.
The weirdest story ever told! In Weird Tales magazine no less! All I get so far is "pretty lady kisses statue". I've done weirder stuff than that when drunk.
Original magazine: https://archive.org/details/WeirdTalesV24N04193410saspages4856Damaged
Scientific Value: Probably Low
Artistic Value: High
Who would have thought that one can do art with a 4 meter telescope?
Went to see a photographer today to get some good pictures of my upcoming lights. Only a few more days before they are added to the shop (https://levendlichtje.etsy.com)! I guess that fits nicely in #PhotoMonday.
There were some really great tree trunks that we used as a backdrop. I'm really looking forward to seeing the end result!
If you’ve landed on my platform Hi! I’m Soolah and I am a professional #hulahooper and #FireDance performer. I’m figuring out the #fediverse and saw I needed to do an #introduction to get connected to those who like #fairies #organicgardening #hiking #nature #waterfalls #travelling #scotland #ireland #mountains #cats #embroidery #fae #fairy #fairyfestival #progressive people #art #dogs #peace #calm #funnyvideos #wildlife #homesteading #backyardchickens
Hopefully, I did this correctly…
Custom Art Framing, a
Since I'm fully retiring from my semi-retired part-time job (2 - 6hr days/wk) at the end of the month I thought I'd frame several items for myself while I can still get an employee discount.
I invite you to join me for the ride!
This is the chop room where we chop the molding legs to size. I'm chopping in-stock molding. Black looks best with B&W photos & is also inexpensive. 1/12
Amazing Stories vol. 10, no. 11 (August 1936)
The man who shrank, and whose strangely prosaic shorts luckily shrank with him, sparing his modesty. I'm not sure which giant-to-him phenomenon is shooting the lightning. Has he shrunk down to molecule lever, skipping the traditional threats like the cat and the vacuum cleaner?
Original magazine: https://archive.org/details/Amazing_Stories_v10n11_1936-08
i'm challenging myself to step out of my comfort zone (mugs + cups) to improve my teapot forms. not ready to commit, but am going to TRY and make a teapot every day.
This is unfired porcelain. decorated and ready for the kiln!
hope you are having a good weekend!
Weird Tales vol. 26, no. 1 (July 1935)
Oh so that's what happened to Atlantis? A volcano erupted and it shot all the Atlanteans out into the sky? Because of this young woman and her nun friend?
Original magazine: https://archive.org/details/Weird_Tales_v26n01_1935-07_ATLPM-Sas
hello there, I'm back. I had no internet for 5 days straight and had some minor damage around the house due to the cyclone.
Here is a Dragon for you. I think it might like salty water. Or maybe it just came to see the sunset? Or possible it is just a Sea Dragon coming back home.
Astounding vol. 42, no. 6 (February 1949)
Yeah no idea what's going on here, it's all a little mad. What are those three disks? Are those space-text-messages supposed to be literal, as in, he can see them floating in space? Or less literal, like he can hear them or see them on a console but they're reproduced for us?
Original magazine: https://archive.org/details/Astounding_v42n06_1949-02_cape1736
Coreyartus is an artist doing calm friendly video livestreams as he creates his works. He also posts the streams as full-length recordings and as short timelapses.
There are already over 300 videos uploaded, if they haven't federated to your server yet you can browse them all at https://makertube.net/a/coreyartus/videos
You can also follow Coreyartus's general social media account at @Coreyartus@mindly.social
Halley's diving bell.
P. Broux, from "Les merveilles de la science," vol. 4 by Louis Figuier, Paris: 1870 #illustration #art #technology https://www.oldbookillustrations.com/illustrations/halleys-diving-bell/
Speedpaint Video of Coreyartus Imagery's "Snow White"
Urban Stories: Illustrated Cities by Aleksandra Mikolajczak https://theinspirationgrid.com/urban-stories-illustrated-cities-by-aleksandra-mikolajczak/ #art #MastoArt #illustration #ArtInspiration #ArtInspo #inspiration #InspirationGrid
Worlds of IF (February 1973)
There's a volcano, obv. But also those meteor things are shooting down? What's the ship doing? Looking for survivors? I have some bad news if so. Maybe the dude in the corner is the survivor in which case shouldn't he be waving?
Original magazine: https://archive.org/details/1973-02_IF