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Um Monate verspätet: Suni Williams und Barry Wilmore zurück auf der Erde

Aus wenigen Tagen an Bord der ISS sind für Suni Williams und Barry Wilmore wegen der Probleme des Boeing Starlines Monate geworden. Nun sind sie zurückgekehrt.


heise online · Um Monate verspätet: Suni Williams und Barry Wilmore zurück auf der Erde
Mehr von Martin Holland

Um Monate verspätet: "Gestrandete" NASA-Astronauten haben ISS verlassen

Eigentlich sollten Suni Williams und Barry Wilmore nur Tage auf der ISS bleiben, dann musste ihr Raumschiff leer zurück. Nun konnten sie die Heimreise antreten.


heise online · Um Monate verspätet: "Gestrandete" NASA-Astronauten haben ISS verlassen
Mehr von Martin Holland

NASA: Meeresspiegel im vergangenen Jahr unerwartet stark angestiegen

Dass der Meeresspiegel infolge des Klimawandels weltweit ansteigt, ist bekannt. Im vergangenen Jahr war die Zunahme aber unerwartet groß, heißt es von der NASA.


heise online · NASA: Meeresspiegel im vergangenen Jahr unerwartet stark angestiegen
Mehr von Martin Holland
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Update. "US science rues ongoing demotion of research under President Trump"

"In his first cabinet meeting on 26 February, #Trump suggested that officials “use scalpels” when trimming their departments’ spending and personnel – rather than #Musk’s figurative chainsaw. But bosses at the Environmental Protection Agency (#EPA) still plan to cut its budget by about two-thirds…The White House’s attack on #climate science goes beyond just the EPA. In January, the US Department of #Agriculture removed almost all data on climate change from its website…The Trump administration has also barred #NASA’s now former chief scientist Katherine Calvin and members of the State Department from travelling to China for a planning meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Meanwhile, in a speech to African energy ministers in Washington on 7 March, US energy secretary Chris Wright claimed that coal has “transformed our world and made it better”, adding that climate change, while real, is not on his list of the world’s top 10 problems."

Physics World · US science rues ongoing demotion of research under President Trump – Physics WorldUS science continues to be hit hard by budget and staff cuts

Today NASA is closing their Office of the Chief Scientist and Office of Technology, Policy, and Strategy and also their Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility branch.

It's a great time to remind your learning community of the incredible achievements of the Black women mathematicians in the 1960's space program that successfully put a man on the Moon. Yes, we're talking about Disney's Hidden Figures.

We offer a Hidden Figures discussion guide that's great for public screenings and low-key classroom use. We also offer classroom-ready lesson plans, across the curriculum, for grades 9-12.

Like all our materials, these guides are free for everyone. Get yours now.


#NASA #CurrentEvents #WomensHistoryMonth #BlackHistory #DEI #USPol #Education #Homeschooling #Histodons @stemed @education @edutooters @film

Journeys in FilmHidden Figures | Journeys in FilmHidden Figures Movie discussion guide and lessons for teaching U.S. History, STEM, Black History. This guides supports UN SDGs.
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@Mastodon @ErikUden

More details on the contest and requirements/specifications for the zero gravity indicator (ZGI) for the Artemis II mission at freelancer.com/contest/Moon-Ma

This Snoopy zero gravity indicator (ZGI) accompanied the Orion spacecraft during the Artemis I mission. An astronaut costume obviously helps.

#Mastodon #NASA

NASA is sponsoring a design contest for the zero gravity indicator (ZGI) for the Artemis II mission around the Moon.

Prize: US$1225.

Zero gravity indicators are small items carried aboard spacecraft that provide a visual indicator for when a spacecraft has reached the weightlessness of microgravity.

Quick - someone please enter the Mastodon plushie into the contest :mastodance:

Mastodon in space and on the moon will be so cool!

@Mastodon @ErikUden
#Mastodon #NASA