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Are you curious how I invented my micro-macro-amplifyer and why I like Dr Who? How I learned from a BBC colleague that a bed is important for work? Do you want to imagine a grey haired woman watching childrens' TV and having a culture clash thanks to Audacity? How I came to podcasting (part 1) ▶️ steadyhq.com/en/naturematchcut

I’ve been here a while, but I’m just now posting an #Introduction. Why? I’ve been a bit shy to, and as an observer by nature, I wanted to understand what this space can offer and what I can offer in return.

I believe in kindness, curiosity, and the types of communication that can arise when people hold those two values close.

I’m looking to connect with people who want to have these types of conversations and prefer going below the surface, sharing personal experience, and practicing empathy.

I also appreciate those discussions, ideas, and facts in my feed that scratch my intellectual itch as well as the beautiful moments that people share. I moderately boost.

I’m interested in topics such as better communication, belonging and connection, art history, sociology, culture, and the preservation of our collective and individual humanity.

I have many causes that I care deeply about, such as women’s issues and intersectional feminism, human rights, and information about covid/public health, and media literacy. Books and Eastern Europe are also high on my list.

While I believe in staying aware, I rarely post about straight politics.

I’ve already connected with some thoughtful, insightful, caring, curious people – would love to meet more.

🧠 Curious about curiosity? 🤔

Join @philipcball, Brian Ostafin, Tassos Sarampalis and me in the new episode of Degrees of Freedom. Diving into the history and psychology of curiosity and wonder, we explore their role in shaping science and education.

Tune in now at buff.ly/4dq6hxz

Spotify for CreatorsS4E01 - Curiosity and wonder von Degrees of FreedomFor the first episode of Season 4, Philip Ball and Brian Ostafin join us to talk about curiosity and wonder. Tracing the historical evolution of these emotions and exploring their psychological underpinnings, we look into the challenges of harnessing them productively and constructively in education and scientific research. Along the way we touch upon many themes, and revisit our thoughts in light of internet searches and AI. Links of the episode: Philip Ball's website Curiosity: how science became interested in everything (2013) Brian Ostafin Robert White, Motivation reconsidered: the concept of competence (1959) G.H. Hardy, A Mathematician’s Apology (1940) Degrees of Freedom S1E7 - Failing Forward Marret Noordewier and Małgorzata Gocłowska, Shared and unique features of epistemic emotions: Awe, surprise, curiosity, interest, confusion, and boredom (2024) Jonathon Macphetres, Oh, the things you don’t know: awe promotes awareness of knowledge gaps and science interest (2019) Professor Tailoerd AI tutor – engagement doubled (Harvard Gazett, 2024) and the draft of the related paper - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - Produced by Tassos Sarampalis and Marcello Seri, at the University of Groningen - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - + - - - Illustrations by Anne Caesar van Wieren www.annecaesar.nl What's the Angle and Zen Garden are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License by Shane Ivers of silvermansound.com.

Lebensfreundlich: Mars-Rover Curiosity findet Spuren jahreszeitlicher Wechsel

Curiosity hat in einer neuen Umgebung Strukturen am Boden gefunden, die auch jahreszeitliche Wechsel zwischen Feuchtigkeit und Trockenheit hindeuten.



Heftiger Sonnenausbruch erstmals parallel auf Erde, Mond und Mars beobachtet

Im Oktober 2021 sorgte eine heftige Sonneneruption für Polarlichter. Erstmals wurde solch ein Ausbruch damals parallel auf drei Himmelskörpern beobachtet.


Sometimes you make things for sheer curiosity.

I've been trying tessellated origami forms for a while. This one is appealing as it is easy to fold and fun to play with.

I folded it from a sheet of watercolour paper coated with cyanotype.

It went outside for a day or so.

When developed, it looked like the final picture.

So now I know. Curiosity sated. Until next time.

#NASA's #Curiosity rover got a major software upgrade, the first one since 2016. 180 changes:

Big changes:
• Thinking while driving: similar to #Perseverance's AutoNav, albeit without the dedicated hardware
• Less steering, depending on rocks under the wheels: a previously rejected "nice to have" feature, now implemented
• Easier software patches
• More efficient and accurate robotic arm and masthead pointing

Image by JPL-Caltech/MSSS

Fortgeführter Thread

One of the most well-known #Mars rovers is the #Curiosity rover, which was launched in 2011 and is still active today. Curiosity is a large, mobile laboratory that is equipped with a range of scientific instruments, including a camera, spectrometer, and weather station. It has made many important discoveries on Mars, including evidence of past water on the planet's surface and the detection of methane in the atmosphere.

Learn more: mars.nasa.gov/msl/home/

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