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#BuyFromEU - Alternativen für Microsoft-Produkte: Libre Office kann Office 365 ersetzen. Und: Kost nix - Open Source. In Verbindung mit zusätzlichem Onlinespeicher auf europäischen Servern eine echte und preiswertere Alternative. #Trump und seine Vasallen schauen dabei in die Röhre.

Fündig wird man unter anderem hier (einfach mal "Cloud" in die Suche eingeben.


Go EuropeanBuy European MadeA directory of EU-made alternatives. From software and electronics to everyday products - all made in Europe

Damit sich #wero , die europäische Alternative für #paypal oder #klarna (geht an die US-Börse), etablieren kann, müssen so viele wie möglich diesen Dienst bei ihrer Bank in Anspruch nehmen / beantragen / anfordern und nutzen!
Ich verstehe nicht, warum die Banken Europas keine entsprechende Werbekampagne fahren... 🙄



wero-wallet.euWero - Digitale WalletMit Wero können Sie in wenigen Sekunden Geld über Ihr Mobiltelefon in Belgien, Frankreich und Deutschland senden und empfangen. Überweisungen rund um die Uhr, einfach und sicher.

Do you know JOPLIN? It's a nice European alternative to apps like Evernote, Google Keep, Notion, Microsoft OneNote.

Joplin is a free, open source note-taking and to-do application, which can handle a large number of notes organised into notebooks. You can search your notes, copy them, tag them and modify them either from the app itself or from your own text editor. The notes are in Markdown format, which is great.

It was created by Laurent Cozic 🇫🇷 back in 2016 as an alternative to Evernote. It's cloud service is hosted in Paris, France. They focus on privacy, security and transparency.

It's open source and offline-first, so you can always access your data on the device, even when you're not connected to the internet.

It's got all the basics you'd expect, and you can also attach images, videos, audio files and PDFs to your notebooks.

There's a huge community of people who have made extra features possible with their plugins.

It's also super easy to export and import your files, which is great if you're worried about vendor lock-in.

The handy web clipper extension lets you save web pages or take screenshots in the browser and save them to your notes.

Check all the features in their website:

#notetaking #opensource #BuyFromEU #europeanalternatives

Follow them on Mastodon: @joplinapp

Have you already switched your Gmail to a new e-mail provider?

If no, what are you waiting for? 😀

If yes, which one? Was it difficult to migrate? Do you like the design of your new providers interface? Do you find it easy to use? Are you happy with it?

Tell us more about your experience!


Welcome to All Europeans!

We will post and boost content to encourage people to replace their non-EU products and services with European, #selfhosted or open source alternatives.

Tag us if you want to recommend something!

If you're a EU company, follow us and we'll follow you back and share your product with the community.

Start buying European products to boycott bully countries and foreign monopolies.

Or maybe you just want to boost the local economy?

Buying European products has many benefits, including supporting local entrepreneurs, creating jobs, and increasing money circulation within your country or neighbour country.

It's also more environmentally friendly!

When the local economy is strong, everyone benefits.
