Tschö Thunderbird, hallo Kmail
Ich war die ganze Zeit zu faul Kmail einzurichten ... jetzt hab ich mich mal aufgerafft.
Jetzt muss ich nur mal schauen was ich mit Firefox mache ....
Eventuell Floorp ...
Tschö Thunderbird, hallo Kmail
Ich war die ganze Zeit zu faul Kmail einzurichten ... jetzt hab ich mich mal aufgerafft.
Jetzt muss ich nur mal schauen was ich mit Firefox mache ....
Eventuell Floorp ...
Pag. 2 di 3
Scelte adottate per il #distacco dalle #bigtech cercando di mantenere l'obiettivo della #sovranitàdigitale e rimanendo nel #europeancontest:
- Client Posta: #kmail
- #crittografia dischi: #luks e #luks2
- Suite Office: @ONLYOFFICE
- backup: #freefilesync (sto cercando alternativa conforme ai miei obiettivi)
- Sistema Operativo: @manjarolinux
- dischi esterni: #segateradrive 4T e 5T
- caldav e cardav sync: @davx5app
Sehr schade das KDE #Kmail" kein #OAuth unterstützt, eigentlich ein Unding in dieser Zeit. Aber in #Thunderbird funktioniert OAuth ausgezeichnet. Das Thunderbird Teams leistet hervorragende Arbeit in den letzten Monaten. *Daumen hoch*
First day of the KDE PIM sprint in Toulouse. Aside from the wonderful cakes, we actually managed to get quite a few stuff done.
I have a new customer that uses #microsoft solutions. I have integrated the provided mail account into my #kmail client so I can remain productive. It works well.
Thank you very much Laurent, Daniel, @VolkerKrause and the rest of the @kde PIM team for making my life simpler and the use of Microsoft mail enjoyable (I see mail threads, mails in .txt, notifications centrally managed...!).
A happy long term kmail user a day late.
Okay, #Outlook, #MicrosoftOutlook, #Hotmail, whatever... isn't working correctly on #Thunderbird, #KMail, or #Vivaldi email clients. I haven't changed the settings. I'm starting to think it's #Microsoft messing with non-Microsoft email clients. I really need to dump my old Hotmail addresses, this is a complete pain.
KMail Revisited: @BruceByfield dives into @kde Plasma's email client https://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/Features/KMail-Revisited #KMail #KDE #Plasma #desktop #email #OpenSource #automation #FOSS
KDE Gear 23.04: Service providers may move the goalposts, but KDE devs keep your apps working: It "only" took 22000+ lines of code, and 315 files changed to get #Kalendar, #KOrganizer and #KMail working again with #Google Contacts.
More KDE Gear 23.04 news:
@thunderbird @alecaddd oh boy here we go again, drop the "old & tired" desktop application and lets use Electron right? Guess I have to go back to #Kmail
@thunderbird This is amazing! as a long time user of Thunderbird on my desktops (along with #Kmail on some of my #KDE machines, I have to be honest ) and K-9 users for years, I can't be more happy to see that partnership happening!
@thunderbird My current email client on Linux and Mac. I used to be a huge #kmail fan on #kde but dumped it years ago due to the addition of underlying frameworks which made it unusable and unreliable. Welcome to the #fediverse