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Vivaldi 7.2 is out 🥳

Added some longstanding requests to the mail 📫 client in Vivaldi.

To add a Task, Invite, or Event to your Calendar 📅 just
1. Right click
- inside a mail,
- on a message in the mail list
- or highlight some text on a webpage
2. Click Add to Calendar

And you'll get a direct link to the message or webpage within the event.
It also automatically adds participants from the email for the invite.

Another thing (one of the top requests)
Reorder accounts in the mail panel is available in the settings using the arrows at the bottom of the list there :)

#vivaldi #mail #calendar

Screenshot of the Vivaldi browser on a desktop screen with "FASTER" in bold text, emphasizing improved speed and performance.
Vivaldi SocialVivaldi (@Vivaldi@vivaldi.net)Angehängt: 1 Bild Enjoy faster browsing with today’s fresh update! 🏁 A smarter, quicker address bar 🏎️ Faster page loading 📅 Turn emails into calendar events 💰 New: Currency widget ⌨️ New: Override Keyboard Shortcuts And there's more: https://vivaldi.com/blog/vivaldi-on-desktop-7-2/ #Vivaldi #Browser #Apps #Tech #Software #Email

One of the many features we have in @Vivaldi is the Calendar.

We had some important requirements when we made it:

1. Flexibility in display. So many calendars cut a lot of information. We want everything you want to be visible to be visible.

2. Inline editing option. Means you can see everything else while adding or editing an event.

3. Easy to use with the keyboard.

4. Both offline and online accounts. Means you can choose whether events are stored in the cloud or just locally on your computer.

If you have not tried it, give it a try. Available on Windows, Mac and Linux.

Bonus : Makes it easier to move away from Big Tech.

#Windows #macos #Linux #browser #Mail #Calendar #Vivaldi


Vivaldi BrowserVivaldi Kalender - Verwalten von privaten und freigegebenen Kalendern
Mehr von Jon McCullough

Need help from nextcloud experts:

I set up nextcloud on my pc (win 10) and android and have imported my g-calendar into nextcloud.

My wife and I want to share each other's nextcloud calendars. Tried that with DAVx5 and ICSx5 (worked fine for our individual calendars).

We used the "share subscription link" option.

I can see my wife's webcal in DAVx5 but every time I try to subsribe to it I get this error message:

"Received redirect from https to http"

It might have to with our router. The newest software uses IPV6 and that seems to have issues with https redirects.

We use a fritzbox (don't if that helps as it's a German router) and use our own wifi network.

The calendar app we're trying to sync our calendars with is called fossify (from froid).

How can I fix this?


Tip #649

Keep your Vivaldi Calendar organized by creating separate calendars for tasks and events.

Just like you can group your Bookmarks and Notes into folders, you can also divide the events and tasks in your Vivaldi Calendar into separate calendars. An immaculately organized calendar is a joy to work with.

To add a new calendar:

  1. Go to Settings > Calendar > Calendars.
  2. Click on + “Add Calendar” at the bottom of the list of calendars.
  3. If relevant, select which account you want to add the new calendar to.
  4. Give the calendar a name and a color.
  5. Choose whether to allow just events, tasks, or both.
  6. Click “Create Calendar”.

#calendar #events #tasks #vivaldi #VivaldiBrowser


Hey @Vivaldi team ,

how are the chances you not only offer mail and calendar in your browser but also an actual email and calendar service?

Just asking because I'm thinking about to transition away from that specific big american company for safety and privacy reasons.

(I'd even pay for it if it's as good as your browser)

In the fediverse, many of us appreciate #RSS to follow blogs and podcasts and such, but I never see anyone talking about using #iCalendar for following event calendars. An open standard of similar age to RSS, it works well and is widely supported by #calendar software—even Google still supports it, unlike RSS. I'd like to see more meetups publishing their event schedules, more apps doing interesting things with calendars, and more investment in the open calendar ecosystem. Wouldn't you?

Fortgeführter Thread

Hacked in a quick change to see how badly Thunderbird did. It looks like it can detect that the calendars exist and adds them, but then it never successfully retrieves them or shows anything ☹

I'm assuming it's a "Thunderbird doesn't implement all of the necessary functions because it uses a simpler version of the protocol" thing 😕

I've just published and posted my #Calendar2025 for anyone interested in having some of my work in their homes 🙂

It features 13 images I've taken in 2024 across #Canada #USA #SouthAfrica and #Germany

Sample of the images below, or, checkout the link to see more!

#ad #landscapephotography #naturephotography #artphotography #photography #calendar #organization


Happy Caturday!

*comes out of her hiding place*

Umm, so...I have not been around here for a while (although I re-tooted here and there a bit during the year) - have been kinda busy...elsewhere 😅 mainly creating stuff...like....calendars 😅 A calendar of cats for the year 2025 for example.

*slowly walks away again*

*silently drops a link on her way out*


*closes door*