microblog.at ist einer von vielen unabhängigen Mastodon-Servern, mit dem du dich im Fediverse beteiligen kannst.
Dies ist die private Mastodon Instanz von Robert Lender

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Jedes Mal, wenn ich bei der Arbeit in der Event-Kommunikation stecke, bekomme ich wieder selber Lust zu starten. Dann schweife ich ab und durchstöbere meine privaten Fotos von den Hunde-Events. Prokrastinieren kann ich. :D Ich bin noch unsicher, ob ich Gesicht zeigen möchte hier im Fediverse. Daher mache ich mich jetzt erstmal weiter unkenntlich, auch wenn's creepy aussieht und manchmal sehr schade um den Gesichtsausdruck ist. Gesichtsfasching kann nämlich nicht nur Ylvi.

Foto: KaBo Photography & Art, aufgenommen bei Camp Canis Summer Special im Hoope Park 2024
Model: Ylvi und ich

Every time I'm involved in event communication at work, I get the urge to get to the starting line again myself. Then I drift off and browse through my private photos of the dog events. I can do procrastination. :D I'm still unsure whether I want to show my face here in Fediverse. That's why I'm continuing to make myself unrecognisable for now, even if it looks creepy and sometimes it's a shame because of the facial expressions. It's not just Ylvi who can do funny faces.

Photo: KaBo Photography & Art, taken at Camp Canis Summer Special in Hoope Park 2024
Model: Ylvi and me

#dogs #dogsofpixelfed #dogsofmastodon #ocr #hindernislauf #canicross #sports #running #sup #balance #matschparty #schlammschlacht #europeansleddog #sleddogs #sleddogsports

The Pixelfed family of apps includes Pixelfed, Loops, Sup and a few others in development.

We're not just a one trick pony, I have a vision for how we can replicate the most popular platforms and give them back to the people.

It all starts with you, the community.

Not only do you have a voice, but it doesn't require shareholder or board member status to make that change!

Are you with us? Boost for humanity.


Want to help fund the future of social media?

We're excited to announce our extended stretch goals as we continue to grow:

✅ $100,000 (UNLOCKED) - Infrastructure Enhancement

🎯 $200,000 - Pixelfed Foundation
- Creating a sustainable structure for long-term development and community governance

🎯 $300,000 - Team Expansion
- Hiring additional devs
- Building a dedicated support team



sup is like Facebook Messenger, but for the fediverse.

Connect all of your fediverse accounts on one app, and connect with people on other platforms or protocols, like IRC.

It's also going to be fully open source, and modular with a simple plugin system to add support for other fediverse platforms and more.

A universal, open, federated messenger.

Built by @PixelFed ✨

The Session developer was chased out of Australia due to his encrypted messaging app.

This has me rethinking Sup, I live in Canada, but do not want to go against the RCMP.

I'm not saying Sup is dead, it's pretty much ready, however, I may need to rethink how we approach this.


The Guardian · Encrypted messaging app developer moves out of Australia after police visit employee’s homeVon Josh Taylor

For the people asking about Sup, I've put it on hold pending the new EU laws that require interoperability with large platforms like WhatsApp and Signal.

I'm still working my way around the new laws and requirements so Sup can take advantage, but it requires some refactoring to be compatible.

I think @supapp has the potential to be a game changer for the fediverse, but I want to get it right.

After Loops, I plan to publish the app client + server, likely in May.