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It hurts me to say this, as an #American, but people need to avoid the #USA for 2 years, at least, 2027, when the #Democrats can get a majority in #Congress and stonewall #Trump

If that doesn't happen (which would be a serious tragedy), then 4 years. And if we get a #MAGA/ Trump president in 2029, write off this country for a generation at least

"A #German Thru-Hiker Has Been Detained, Deported, and Banned From the #US Without a Hearing: Here’s What You Need To Know"


The Trek · German Thru-Hiker Detained, Deported, and Banned From US - The TrekAn experienced thru-hiker traveling to the US to hike the AZT last month says she was treated inhumanely and deported without justification.

Trotz Tennisarm habe ich mir dann doch mal die Zeit genommen, auf deutsch ein bisschen was über mein kommendes Album zu schreiben, und wie es dazu kam, dass ich jetzt genau dies mache und nichts anderes.

Vielleicht ist es ja für ein paar von euch ganz interessant :) Und natürlich interessiert mich *eure* Meinung sehr.


schallundstille.deDie Würfel sind gefallen – Schall und Stille
Mehr von stephan

Police probe arson attack linked to Tesla plant in Berlin.

Police in Germany are investigating what they describe as an "assumed" arson attack at a Berlin construction site after activists reportedly claimed responsibility.


The Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg manufacturing plant for Tesla
Deutsche Welle · Police probe arson attack linked to Tesla plant in BerlinVon John Silk

Hi, I'm Qwynnyx (they/them).
(Pronounced as Welsh Gwyn & Greek Nyx, i.e. /ˈgwin.niks/ or preferably /ˈgwyn.nyks/)
I'm a #university #student of cultures who first developed writing.
I did #egyptology & #assyriology i.e. #AncientMesopotamianStudies for my bachelor's but am now moving to #politicalscience & #sinology (no #mesoamerican studies @ my uni) for my master's.
I speak fluent #German & #English & know some #French but currently study #Mandarin #Chinese in #Taiwan.

NeoDB now has five active servers!

All of them allow new sign-ups. The newest server, neodb.kevga.de, is aimed at #German speakers.

If you’re unfamiliar with #NeoDB, it is a media database and social platform that allows users to review art and media. It is similar to #GoodReads, #RateYourMusic, and #LetterBoxd. #Bookwyrm does something similar, but its specifically made for books.

NeoDB has a public user count of 20,713 with 1,980 MAUs.



KevGa-NeoDBKevGa-NeoDBreviews about book, film, music, podcast and game.

Just stumbled over some #SFSCON pictures. It was so great how the NOI read "Ada & #Zangemann" and afterwards did a #Scratch workshop for the kids. 🥰

All the materials you need for a reading are available in our git repro git.fsfe.org/FSFE/ada-zangemann and all licensed under #creativecommons by-sa.

If you don't feel comfortable reading the book, on ada.fsfe.org/movie you can also download the movie of the story (currently in #English and #German soon in other languages as well).

Today, I'm not allowed to drive my #car: Fun with #german #beaurocracy.

End of November, I got an official letter "reminding" me there's a #recall for my car model and I must take action to avoid termination of its registration. Well, I must have missed the first letter somehow, or maybe it just didn't arrive, I don't know. They wrote me that I absolutely must turn in some written confirmation that the recall was executed. I had the car checked at the local #Mercedes dealer, turned out the car wasn't affected. They told me there's nothing they can give me to confirm that, but it would be automatically reported to the authorities. First eyebrow raising ...

Two weeks later, another letter arrived, the final notice. I called in. I was told nothing was reported, I should call Mercedes and tell them to report. An email from them would be fine. At Mercedes, the first response I got was "but you cancelled our appointment?". No, I didn't. Luckily, I still had the recipe from getting my car back from them. They apologized and asked me to come in again. That's how my little son got a free teddy bear... 😆

Again, I was told it would be reported automatically, but this time I intervened and clearly requested them to send an additional email to the local authorities *right now* (and put me in CC). They did. All settled, so I thought.

Well, today, another letter arrived, telling me my registration was now revoked, and they will send out guys to remove the stickers from my license plates (they are required for a license plate to be valid in Germany). Oh, and of course, I'd have to pay for that as well. 🤯

I called in again. It took me almost an hour to get someone on the line. I told them this was long since settled, telling them also the exact date of the email from Mercedes. Well, they found the email, "in the archive". "Oh, nobody connected that to the occurrrence". I was told all this shenanigans is cancelled and they'll call the colleagues to stop them from ripping the stickers from my plates. 5 minutes later, I received a call. Those guys removed the stickers, uhm, "right now", in front of my house. Hell, what? I was told to come in tomorrow to get new stickers. And, "I'm really sorry". 😖

At least, I'm allowed to drive there without the stickers for the sole purpose to get new stickers.

Hey I'm #newhere and this is my #introduction.

As my job I work in IT-Security which is why I decided to choose infosec.exchange for my account.

In my free time I usually spend the day by doing sports. This involves running, cycling, martial arts and more. I kinda get a balance through that.

In the political field I'm left. 🚩
I'm also a vegan and love to read books.

You will therefore find posts about the topics I am interested in. So this will mainly be veganism, tech stuff, international, German & Norwegian politics, sport related stuff, book related content, photography and more.

My posts will be in English for the most part but I will also post in German and Norwegian sometimes. Happy to be here!


One of my favourite #German words is "ausschlafen".

It literally means "sleep out", and sort of translates to "sleep in", but the connotation is different. It isn't negative or that you slept late into the morning, it's more like that you got all your sleeping done and woke up naturally instead of to an alarm (or young child).

Something to strive for.

One of the hot takes that has been popping up on Mastodon is placing the #German #Greens to the right of the #Merkel government, or even close to the fascists.

Just a reminder:

- The new #naturalisation law finally does away with ius sanguinis. Children born in Germany now get German citicenship. The time of residence required for naturalisation was reduced to 3-5 years. Dual citizenship. And naturalisation of post-war contract workers ("Gastarbeiter").


migrando.de · The new Naturalization Act 2024 has been passed!The new Naturalization Act 2024: Faster integration, dual citizenship and more. Discover the changes and prepare yourself!