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Just learned about the #Satellite1 voice assistant and would instantly order one if it was available in Europe. In fact, it is already sold out even in the US. They're planning to restock and deliver to more countries in 2025.

It is a locally hosted #ai #voice #assistant that works with #homeassistant. It has more features than Nabu Casa's own voice assistant (4 vs. 2 mics, presence and other sensors, power amp, AI backend) and is also more expensive (68,95€).


FutureProofHomesFutureProofHomesPrivate AI-powered voice control for the smart home.

UPDATED #introduction THREAD

#radioFreeFedi is consent driven, non-commercial, attribution promoting, 24/7 #community supported #radio from the fediverse to the universe.

We have 4+ channels for you to drop in and discover amazing independent artists and their support links.

The best way to get acclimated to and #joinIn the community vibe, listen, discover and see how to most directly support the artists you hear is via our main site:


#music #art #writing #voice


radiofreefedi.netRFF has entered a rest era /> <meta property=

📢 New #blog article

Buiding custom voice assistants, 2024 edition

This is the third article I write on #voice #technology in #Platypush. I wrote the latest one in 2020, but unfortunately all the voice products I described there (Snowboy, DeepSpeech, Mycroft, AVS…) are now gone.

assistant.google is still there (but I don’t know for how long, as the underlying Assistant library was deprecated back in 2019), but Platypush 1.0 has also added two more integrations to the mix:

  • assistant.openai
  • assistant.picovoice

These are based on the OpenAI voice+GPT APIs and the Picovoice products respectively, and can be combined to provide a very modern and flexible voice assistant interface.

The article also describes how to create your custom action hooks to control your devices and services, train assistants with context, customize voice models, play custom conversation sounds, handle voice intents and offline transcriptions, and run multiple assistants on the same device.

Happy read!


blog.platypush.techThe state of voice assistant integrations in 2024The Platypush blog

1/2 The last time I got totally shit-faced was when Kevin Rudd's Labor won the 2007 election. The totality of my politically aware life had been in the shadow of John Howard's interminable and cruelly conservative reign. Kevin '07 promised a new dawn so I got very (vewy) drunk. But my hopes were immediately dashed. Before he'd even finished his acceptance speech I'd written him off. Australia needed to re-find its heart but I couldn't see this emotionless robotic man showing the way. I leaped (lurched) onto my bike and cruised (wobbled) my way through Canberra's urban bushland to another election party, muttering all the way "Where is it? Where is the love? There is no love!"

I was right. Before his term was out, Rudd had lost his prime ministership because he was a heartless egomaniac who didn't follow through on his righteous moral proclamations. There was one exception though: the Apology to the Stolen Generations. What a humbling and vulnerable moment of contrition, of historic importance. Does Australia regret that act of love?

A great constitutional lawyer once said "It's the vibe."Though glib, there's some truth to that: the constitution is where our principles are laid out, not where the persnickitty detail is specified. That is left to legislation which Parliament can wrangle and refine over the years to come. So what vibe do you want our constitution to have? This foundational document that underlies our society? When I ask "Where is the love?", I want to find some of it in our constitution, because I want to live in a community based on love, generosity and acceptance.


Voice progress thread 🧵

I don't know how helpful this'll be, but I've been cataloguing the slight progress I've made in feminising my voice since March 2022.

I'd been uploading these to Twitter, but now that it's burnt down, I guess I'll be uploading these to my TikTok & linking them here.

March 2022 - tiktok.com/@sleepycatten/video

June 2022 - tiktok.com/@sleepycatten/video

August 2022 - tiktok.com/@sleepycatten/video

January 2023 - tiktok.com/@sleepycatten/video

www.tiktok.comTikTok - Make Your Day

I will happily pay monthly subscription for a home voice assistant powered by #gpt3 👍🏻 ChatGPT in an #iOS Shortcut — Worlds Smartest HomeKit #Voice Assistant - Ever since I tried ChatGPT and GPT-3, everything else feels painfully dumb and useless: #Siri, #Alexa, #Google Home and all other “smart” assistants. - here is how to get a better one powered by #gpt matemarschalko.medium.com/chat #machinelearning

MediumChatGPT in an iOS Shortcut — Worlds Smartest HomeKit Voice AssistantVon Mate Marschalko

Neue Episode im ViennaWriter's #Podcast: "Gegen das Verstummen". Mit Julia Schönleiter über das Verstummen von Menschen in der Welt und ihren Ansatz, die eigene #Stimme wiederzufinden, unabhängig, ob diese Stimme sich in Klang, im #Schreiben, in Bewegung, Farbe oder wie auch immer ausdrückt. Auch, wie der kreative Brunnen wieder fließen kann. #CreativeWell #Kreativität #SpeakUp #Mobbing #Trolling #Hatespeech #Selbstliebe #Selbstfürsorge #SelfCare #Voice #FuckYouMobber


On a roll with wavestation programming… and I'm toying with the idea of a novel approach for my next album. Namely, first I'm going to program all the sounds on all the #synths over the next few weeks/months, making notes here and there on how I want to use them… and only once they're finished, I'll start composing for real.

Hmm… too conceptual? I don't know. But I'd like to try something new ;)

(oh and btw, someone with a #voice for medieval wave here? I think it could go in that direction…)
