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🏕️ my adventures in #selfhosting - day 89 ✨

Oh #PeerTube, you are making me do mental somersaults as I strategize about the best way to self-host my videos.

This newbie wants to ask: how many VPS’s are too many for someone who has little coding experience and has been self-hosting for just 3 months?

Fedi friends, I’m thinking of signing up for a THIRD VPS 😱


My current setup:

1️⃣ 5€/month Debian VPS with #YunoHost, where I’m self-hosting #GoToSocial (this account), #Friendica, #Pixelfed, #Fail2Ban and #LinkStack.
2️⃣ 5€/month Ubuntu VPS where I am self-hosting my (upcoming) #Ghost blog (this will make me save a ton, compared to my current Ghost Pro plan).

Back to PeerTube: I could easily upgrade my #Debian VPS and install it there - the costs would be minimal and I would double my RAM and storage. But I am afraid of PeerTube’s consumption when it comes to bandwidth. As in: if I upload a video that for some reason becomes really popular, or if a bad actor decides to DDOS my channel, would that take down all my other self-hosted Fediverse instances? Since they are on the same VPS?

I could limit potential issues by having a dedicated VPS just for PeerTube.

What would you do?

And do you have recommendations for Europe-based VPS’s with affordable plans? (aside from Hostinger) I was thinking of #Hetzner…

#MySoCalledSudoLife #AskFedi

I wonder how much progress the #fediverse could have and grow in quality if the @EUCommission could seriously fund good non-profit projects that already make an interoperable web possible: @Mastodon , @pixelfed , @pleroma , @peertube , @gotosocial etc.

There are talks about BILLIONS of euros to rearm Europe, which seems justified to me. But it seems that no one puts on the table how to seriously address the problem of disinformation campaigns that undermine democracies. I found the EU project EU vs Disinfo euvsdisinfo.eu/, but they didn't dare to create at least a profile here.

Let's perpetuate the cycle of walled gardens run by cool tech bros and their profit seeking businesses. It is very comfortable.

EUvsDisinfoHome page - EUvsDisinfoEUvsDisinfo is the flagship project of the European External Action Service’s East StratCom Task Force.It was established in 2015 to better forecast, address, and respond to the Russian Federation’s ongoing disinformation campaigns affecting the European Union, its Member States, and countries in the shared neighbourhood.

Hausputz, Teil 1: Social Media

Am Wochenende wollte ich mir endlich eine Übersicht über die diversen Dienste und Anwendungen verschaffen, die sich in den letzten Jahren und Monaten auf meinen Servern angesammelt habe. Leute, habe ich eine Überraschung erlebt.

Oder bin dran verzweifelt, je nach Sichtweise. Kurzum, da muss eine Menge runter. Aus Gründen.

Irgendwann fing das Ganze damit an, dass ich (m)eine eigene Mastodon-Instanz haben wollte. Zuerst auf einem gemieteten VPS, dann in einer VM auf der heimischen NAS. Im Laufe der Zeit kamen weitere Dienste wie #Friendica, #Pixelfed, #Iceshrimp etc. dazu.

#Castopod und #Peertube lasse ich jetzt mal außen vor, da diese doch wesentlich andere Zwecke erfüllen als die klassischen Facebook-, X- und Instagram-Alternativen.

Aktuell verwende ich hauptsächlich Friendica als Zugang zum Fediverse, lange Zeit war allerdings #Mastodon für mich der wichtigste Dienst. Leider musste ich dort nach jedem Update erneut die Zeichenbegrenzung von 500 auf 12345 erhöhen, da ich kaum etwas weniger mag als endlose Threads aus kleinen Häppchen eines langen Texts.

Friendica erfüllt so ziemlich alle meine Ansprüche, mit entsprechenden Resourcen auch erfreulich schnell. Gut, ich kann an Umfragen nicht teilnehmen, aber die betroffenen Posts öffne ich dann halt in #GoToSocial. Letzteres läuft auf einem kleinen VPS als Backup für den Fall, dass die Technik daheim ausfallen sollte oder Vodafone an der Leitung schraubt.

Die aktuelle Planung schaut also wie folgt aus:
• Friendica bleibt als Hauptinstanz, GoToSocial als externes Backup.

• Castopod und Peertube laufen ebenfalls weiter, auch wenn der Podcast eher selten bespielt wird.

• Alle drei (in Ziffern 3) Pixelfeds werden gelöscht, sobald ich einen Weg gefunden habe, die Posts und Bilder zu exportieren. Diese schiebe ich dann entweder per Script gesammelt nach Friendica oder integriere sie statisch in mein Blog. Hat vor Jahren schon mit Instagram funktioniert, auch wenn es einiges an Handarbeit war. Pixelfed als Service benötige ich eigentlich nicht mehr, die überschaubare Anzahl von Bildern pro Woche oder Monat passt auch in mein Friendica-Profil.

• Mastodon behalte ich aus sentimentalen Gründen. Ich wüsste gerade nicht, was ich mit den knapp 17.000 Beiträgen sonst machen sollte.

• Ersatzlos gestrichen werden also die Dienste, die nur aus Neugier installiert und praktisch nicht genutzt wurden: Iceshrimp, Glitch und Misskey.

Am Rande sei noch #Bluesky erwähnt.

Ja, ich habe vor Wochen einen eigenen PDS aufgesetzt und per AddOn mit Friendica verbunden. Nach wie vor sind leider einige für mich wichtige Personen nicht im Fediverse zu finden, aber zumindest auf Bluesky zu lesen. Ich selbst bin dort nicht wirklich aktiv, ab und an setze ich bei neuen Friendica-Posts den Haken, um eine Kopie des Texts rüber zu schieben. Allerdings ist es recht praktisch, Posts von drüben in die lokale Timeline gespült zu bekommen.

Den VPS, auf dem der PDS läuft, werde ich kündigen und das Geld in eine zweite Storage Box investieren. Offsite Backups sind wichtiger.

Es werden also einige Ressourcen frei. Mal schauen, was ich damit anfangen kann. :smile:

Fortgeführter Thread

Hi everyone! We just made a bugfix release v0.18.2 of #GoToSocial:


If you're updating to this version from v0.18.0 or v0.18.1, it's a very easy update with no db migrations or config file changes :)

If you're updating to this version from a version before v0.18.0, please follow the update instructions from v0.18.0, but replace 0.18.0 with 0.18.2 throughout. Be aware that the update to 0.18.x contains some very long migrations. Please do read the notes carefully.

This is hopefully the final bugfix release of 0.18.x, so you can stay on this one for a while while we work on v0.19.0 :)

Thanks for reading, happy slothing, acab, death to fascism, and if you have money to spare this month go donate it to these folks who need help :gtspat:

Here's version 0.18.2 of GoToSocial, hopefully the last bugfix release of 0.18.x :)
Mostly bug fixes and version bumps in this one, though it's possible if you were seeing very poor performance on ...
GitHubRelease v0.18.2 Least Scroingly Sloth · superseriousbusiness/gotosocialHere's version 0.18.2 of GoToSocial, hopefully the last bugfix release of 0.18.x :) Mostly bug fixes and version bumps in this one, though it's possible if you were seeing very poor performance on ...

Hey everyone, today we ran into a bit of an issue while updating gotosocial.social, which resulted in the site being down for the past 6 hours. The problem has been resolved now, and no data was lost or damaged. Still, sorry for disrupting your Fediverse browsing experience 🙂

A quick reminder for other #GoToSocial admins using snapshot builds: if you're using PostgreSQL, please consider not updating to d8113c1 for now as the db migration is likely incompatible with PostgreSQL. Keep an eye on Issue #3880 for updates on the fix.

Describe the bug with a clear and concise description of what the bug is. I'm currently running into an issue where, because of missing columns in the database (since there weren't any database mig...
GitHub[bug] Missing database migrations (or ones that didn't run for some reason) breaks any post-related interactions · Issue #3880 · superseriousbusiness/gotosocialVon wolfyjade
Fortgeführter Thread
  1. advanced search operators prototype. status: not quite ready for prime time.
    • has a bunch of goofy operators nobody but me will ever use, such as is:article
    • still missing some classics like lang:, domain:, before:, and after:, and some oddballs like is:bot (would require extra join) and sort: (would break ID-based paging)
    • needs docs, although i know where Past Vyr basically already wrote them: https://github.com/VyrCossont/mastodon/pull/8 😇
  2. indexed full text search prototype. status: heretical.
    • only works on PostgreSQL: SQLite's full-text search is much fussier and requires using a "virtual table" and frankly i can't be bothered, at least tonight
    • direct port of https://github.com/VyrCossont/mastodon/pull/3 and has the same limitations: HTML isn't stripped, and media alt text and poll options aren't indexed
    • fixing that would start by adding a tsvector column that concatenates (with record separators? as an array?) the contents of filterableFields for a status, updates it every time the status or its attachments are edited, and GIN-indexes that column
    • ignores the whole issue of matching posts to language tags and language tags to PG text search configurations by assuming that everything is English
    • still massively faster than unindexed ILIKE that vanilla GTS uses

edit: fixed a backwards flag in has:media and related operators

GitHubAdvanced search operators · VyrCossont/gotosocial@a87e9d5Fast, fun, ActivityPub server, powered by Go. Contribute to VyrCossont/gotosocial development by creating an account on GitHub.

Good morning Fedi friends!

I started the week in the best possible way: lunch with two @yunohost team members. I was trying hard not to fangirl too much 🤗

I thanked them profusely for their incredible work, empowering us all with the tools to self-host. It's thanks to #YunoHost that I have my own #Pixelfed, #GoToSocial and #Friendica accounts. I hope I'll be able to give back one day.

What else? This week I'll publish part 1 of a mini-series about #PeerTube.

Wishing you all a lovely day!