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...figuring out what to request specifically I reached out for my ISP and they luckily could provide me with everything I needed and even unlocked it within one hour only.

I used this telephone call to also upgrade my upload bandwidth to 50 Mbit/s, what should give me the opportunity to host some more traffic intense services on my home server and therefore don't need to outsource this to a #VPS.

It's strenuous but I am sure the resulting opportunities will be rewarding.

✨ The rebellion will be federated & self-hosted ✨

On Dec 5, 2024 I published this blog post elenarossini.com/2024/11/the-r on @ele@elenarossini.com

On Dec 17 I signed up for a #VPS.

On Dec 22 I installed #GoToSocial and began personalizing my little corner of the #Fediverse: @elena

On Jan 14 I installed #Pixelfed on my server: @ele@photos.elenarossini.com

Yesterday I installed #LinkStack on elena.social

All this feels really empowering and I wanna help others do the same! 🚀

Elena Rossini · The rebellion will be federated — Elena Rossini
Mehr von Elena Rossini

Good morning Fedi friends!

🎄 All I want for Christmas is: checking off every item in my #VPS setup to do list without breaking anything 🎅

Buying a VPS, installing YunoHost, changing DNS records and installing #GoToSocial was SUPER EASY. These next tasks: not so much, despite all the articles I've been reading and videos I watched. As always, wish me luck!

P.S.: Santa I promise I was good this year

Special thanks to @mkj and @st3fan for the superb recommendations

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Update: yes, it was SO EASY a child (or a #Linux newbie) could do it.

I now have #YunoHost installed on my #VPS! 🥳

I wish I had timed how long it took - it was less than 5 minutes! This update comes 2 hours later because I've been dealing with other work stuff in the meantime.

All this to say: a HUGE thank you to the @yunohost team for creating such a phenomenal resource. Donation-as-thank-you coming soon 😊

🔗: yunohost.org

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It’s happening!!! I signed up for a #VPS and I’m about to install #YunoHost. Exciteeeeeeed (and slightly scared).

I’m so early in my #Linux journey but I was emboldened after watching a video walkthrough of YunoHost, with the narrator repeating time and time again « it’s so easy a child could do it ».

Let’s see if « it’s so easy a Linux newbie could do it».

Wish me luck! 😅

Wo möchte Mensch einen kleinen #VPS anmieten für #Mailserver und #Linux Skills üben?

Seit der Umstellung der Virtualisierung macht #IONOS kein ReverseDNS für #IPv6 (mehr), hätte ich aber gerne.

Gesucht wird ein günstiges Angebot mit min. 1-2 CPU, 1 GB RAM, 20GB Disk (ich sag ja klein). IPv4 und IPv6 mit ReverseDNS.

Hetzner? Dogado? Ovh? Was anderes?

Strato ist raus wegen persönlichem Permabann. Andere Geschichte, da bin ich nachtragend.


Edit: Tippfehler

Frage an die datenschützenden SysAdmins und angewandten IT-Sicherheitsforschenden unter euch:

Bietet #Festplattenverschlüsselung in einem angemieteten #VPS auf #KVM-Basis einen wirkungsvollen #Datenschutz?

Dieser Text hat mich verunsichert: lowendbox.com/blog/how-private

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Looks like Vultr has it but it’s too expensive. We’d have to charge at least €25/mo instead of ~€10/mo for a Small Web site with Hetzner to make the same ~€5/mo to try and make Small Technology Foundation sustainable.

And I really want Small Web sites to be affordable so folks can experiment and play with them.

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(A few notes:

- Setting up a server and then installing CoreOS is out of the question. Small Web sites have to be set up in under a minute.

- Must be affordable. We need to be sustainable while not charging more than €10/mo.)

- EU-based.

Right now, it seems I’ll have to go with Ubuntu although I really don’t want to as I want the rpm-ostree auto-updates in CoreOS to make the sites zero admin as possible.)
