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The latest CPC attack ad seems pretty weak. Just calling Carney "sneaky" and showing the same poor quality video of Carney about 15 times in 30s.

I'm hoping that all the parties keep hammering away on PPs refusal to get security clearance, which Carney got in a couple of weeks.

Bots are now posing as Canadians are aggressively targeting Americans, even those with no anti-Canadian posts. I wouldn't be surprised!

Creating more tensions among people help fascists to justify their dreams to invade us.

Don't engage!

And maybe share this message?
#USA #CDNpoli

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The last 4 days were such a clown show.
- The stock market taking a huge dive Monday and then again Tuesday morning.
- #BigHands' 2-hour incoherence speech
- a very very strong BC provincial budget
- Trudeau's very very strong speech
- Even before #MoscowDon spoke Tuesday night, others in their government were blinking and we have another tariff delay
We have to destroy this man: defeated shamed humiliated and mocked. There's no compromise. End all the tariffs. #cdnpoli #bcpoli