@georgetakei "Republican" has become a synonym for cowardice AND treason. In Canada, "American" now has the same meaning. Betraying an ally is the one crime we will NEVER forgive. #USpol #cdnpoli
@georgetakei "Republican" has become a synonym for cowardice AND treason. In Canada, "American" now has the same meaning. Betraying an ally is the one crime we will NEVER forgive. #USpol #cdnpoli
Keep fascist American propaganda peddlers out of Canadian media.
Conservatives/right wing are very eager to defund and bury the CBC because it's willing to call out their bullshit.
The #tesla market cap had been over us$1t for so long, now they can barely keep it at us$800b.
Yesterday it was us$774b
#marketcap = stock price x number of shares
"Canada giving US Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, the tiniest red carpet they could find in a thrift shop somewhere."
Dear Canadians & Brits:
99 years is coming due.
Please take that shit back from us & give it to the indigenous where applicable.
Friend's meme coping strategy isn't pulling any punches today.
The last 4 days were such a clown show.
- The stock market taking a huge dive Monday and then again Tuesday morning.
- #BigHands' 2-hour incoherence speech
- a very very strong BC provincial budget
- Trudeau's very very strong speech
- Even before #MoscowDon spoke Tuesday night, others in their government were blinking and we have another tariff delay
We have to destroy this man: defeated shamed humiliated and mocked. There's no compromise. End all the tariffs. #cdnpoli #bcpoli
A team of archivists have recreated the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) website from just before it was purged by US President Donald Trump, hosting it in Europe!
Pink Floyd The Wall producer renounces U.S. citizenship, moves to #Canada
For comparison this is one (1) cocaine seizure coming into Canada from the USA: 835 kg = 1840 lbs.
From a single seizure. One.
A friend of mine's coping strategy is by making infographics.
My blog from last night. Given Trudeau's comments about Trump's desire to annex Canada like Putin... I think this Canadian response and reorganization needs to happen.
We're in a trade war, and Canada needs to get on a literal war footing to defend democracy and freedom for itself and Ukraine, and protect the planet from climate change.
#TradeWar #CanPoli #CdnPoli #USA #USPoli #RussiaUkraineWar #Ukraine #EndFossilFuels #ClimateChange #ClimateAction
Well there are pretty good at disrespecting whose who came to the aid of #USA
""I didn't even know they were in the war," panellist and comedian Doug Benson added. "I thought that's where you go if you don't want to fight. Go chill in Canada."
I'm going to leave this image pinned on my profile in preparation for Canada's October federal election.
This is an absolutely historic betrayal - toddler in chief has shown his cards and it's time for all democratic countries to immediately sever all ties with the US
Do it, pull the ambassadors, send a message we will not tolerate this BS
"As the omnicrisis polyshambles unfolds around us, we have the means, motive and opportunity to craft Canadian policies that bolster our sovereignty, protect our rights, and help us to set every technology user, in every country (including the USA) free."
"We don't have to stop at exporting reasonably priced pharmaceuticals to Americans! We could export the extremely lucrative tools of technological liberation to our American friends, too.
"That's how you win a trade-war."